僕マド 7語 - Boku Dake no Madonna Episode 7

Episode 6 left off with Surumi sneaking up in Kyon's apartment and almost destroying his building model!!! After carefully reconstructing the model back to perfection, she looked on the table and ORO!!! ada yang ketinggalan!!! Ternyata itu satu piece terakhir yang seharusnya jadi tangga di dalem maket ituuu!!! Dan akhirnya dia gak tau mau diapain lagi akhirnya DITANCEP aja diatas lobang tengah2x maketnya bwahahhaa bego banget!!!!

So she opens the window and TAH-DAH... sees Kyon & Keiko-chan right downstairs, about to come up!!! やばいいいい! Mo keluar, udah gak sempet... akhirnya.......... *NYELIP KE KOLONG RANJANG*

Masuklah Kyon & Keiko ke dalem rumah... dengan saltinknya mereka berdua duduk sebelah2an di ranjang Kyon... pake sok malu2x segala pula dan dengan polosnya tidak mengetahui kehadiran seekor oknum yaitu SURUMI-CHAN tepat di kolong mereka!!! Keiko-chan tadinya duduknya agak jauh dari Kyon... eeeeh AGRESIP juga loh dia... she slides closerrrr.... and closer.... dimana Surumi udah aja di kolong ngeliatin sepasang kaki itu koq makin mendekat ke arah kaki Kyon!!!! Tapi laluuuu.......

OHHH MOMENT CINTA YANG SEHARUSNYA BISA JADI INDAH HANCUR BERANTAKAN ketika tiba2x mata Kyon ngeliat ke arah maketnya... dimana ada TANGGA KECIL NANCEP di tempat yang salah!!! BWAHAHHAA asli itu lucu banget!!! Tampang Kyon yang bener2x kenapa itu tangga bisa nancep disitu??? aduh bwahahahhaaa lucu banget....!!!! si Kyon dengan bingung gitu nyamperin maketnya... "Kenapa ini bisa ada disini?" sambil mikir keras... lalu tiba2x... he froze (ceritanya dia tiba2 kepikir "jangan2x....") lalu dengan takut2x dia MELIRIK ke arah kolong ranjang dan oh la la... disambut dengan tampang tak bersalahnya Surumi!!! aduh sumpah lucu banget!!!!!!!!! Dengan SUPER SALTINK si Kyon buru2 duduk lagi... tapi agak2x buang muka gitu dari Keiko... dan ber"EHEM EHEM EHEMMM" ria dengan super saltinknya... terus kakinya nendang2x ke arah kolong gitu!!! HWAHHAHAHAAA ADUH KOCAK ABIS!!!!!! Tapi lalu... si Surumi yang iseng malah ngedorong keluar itu boneka THE DOG dimana Kyon & Keiko ampe loncat karena kaget!!!! Dan tentunya Keiko langsung ngelongok ke kolong ranjang dan disambut oleh Surumi..... dan Keiko yang kaget langsung dan exclaim, 「帰ります!」 "KAERIMASU!!!" and immediately stormed out the door!!! Intinya Keiko itu bener2 sewot karena dia bener2x gak ngerti "Apa sih sebenernya hubungan antara Kyouichi dan Surumi?" dan dia makin bete lagi pas si Kyon jawab: "Gue sendiri juga gak tau sebenernya..." Oh baka Kyon!!!

Balik lagi ke kamarnya dengan langkah yang super lemes dan tampangnya agak sebel dan bete gitu....... dan Surumi minta maaf2x terus ke Kyon... dan karena Kyon diem terus dengan tampang cemberut... akhirnya Surumi bangun dan angkat kaki... lalu tiba2x Kyon MINTA KUNCINYA BALIK!!! Di scene ini keliatan banget tampangnya Surumi yang kaget banget ketika tiba2x Kyon minta kuncinya balik.... sekaligus kayak agak sakit hati gitu.... tapi langsung keluar lagi itu senyum kepaksa dan dia ngembaliin kunci kamarnya Kyon dengan berat hati... dan gantungan kunci cantik yang dia pakai untuk kunci kamarnya Kyon juga dikasih aja ke Kyon... oh... WHAT A SAD SCENE!!! gue udah nyaris menitikkan airmata di scene ini...... KYON! HOW COULD YOU??? And the next scene where Kyon takes the key off the keyholder.... aduh.... the sound of the key clinking off sounds as if all the ties between them had been broken "Maybe it's better this way..." thats what Kyon was thinking... NO NO NO KYON!!! これでいいじゃないよ!

Anyway, setelah kejadian itu... kayaknya both Kyon and Surumi were going through this "WU LIAO" phase without each other... Surumi curhat sama temen baeknya di toko furniture itu... and Kyon... curhat sama Ichigaya & Oosugi! And the funny thing is... Ichigaya-san pinter juga nih... jadi dia mancing2x Kyon gitu by saying something like, "Bagus juga ya Kyouichi-kun... Surumi-san sekarang gak ada lagi untuk ganggu2xin kamu!" Dan dengan polosnya (kayaknya ini reaksi spontan!) si Kyon koq malah ngejawab, 「好くないですよ!」 "Yokunai desu yo!" yang artinya, "Apanya yang bagus?" bwahahhahaaaa kejebakkk loeee Kyon!!! Gitu dia nyadar kejebak dia langsung buru2 menghindar dari segala pertanyaan dan minta diri gitu bwahahaha...

Meanwhile on the other side of town, Surumi yang juga lagi tsumaranai abis malah jalan2 dan mampir di S Bar-nya Shizue-san... mereka jadi ngobrol2x bertiga sama Shizue-san dan juga Kuramoto-san (yang kayaknya lagi PDKT neeeh ama Shizue-san!) Akhirnya, karena Shizue-san nanya koq kayaknya Surumi nggak genki... dan Shizue-san juga nanya soal kebenaran statu "nikah"nya Surumi... dan Surumi nanya, "Iya, emang itu bener... jadi menurut kalian semua apakah gue murahan dan fuketsu?" (btw, fuketsu artinya unclean, filthy) dan malah Kuramoto-san yang ngejawab...

"I don't think you are cheap, or filthy... Personally and honestly, I think that Surumi-san is a very original person with a unique character. So, you're not cheap or filthy."

Yaaaayyyy Kuramoto-san!!! He's so nice to Surumi! Anyway, Shizue-san dan Kuramoto-san nanya2x terus kenapa Surumi berpikiran begitu... apakah Kyon bilang sesuatu yang begitu... dan Surumi deny terus nggak mau bilang kalo Kyon udah ngebentak dia "SAITEI DA YO!" itu... tapi kayaknya it's pretty much given and so obvious that Kyon must've said something about it...

The funny part is waktu Kuramoto-san keluar dari S bar dan berpapasan dengan Kyon...... Kuramoto-san tiba2 megang kepala Kyon... terus "PLAK!" ditepak kenceng banget something like ==> HWAHUAHHAHAHAHAA.... aduh Kuramoto-sannnn... bener2x TOUBSSS deh ojii-san yang satu ini!!!!! It's almost like a statement saying, "Thats for making Surumi sad and miserable!" Hahahahaa... THUMBS UP!!! Gak sangkaaa udah ojii-san2x masih bisa asik juga... dan lalu dengan polosnya setelah dia pletak si Kyon... dia jalan begitu saja meninggalkan Kyon yang masih kenapa dia dipletak HAHAHHAHAAA

Keiko juga ceritanya masih marah gitu sama Kyon... tapi marahnya agak2x MENYINDIR banget... Dan tentunya keliatan banget kalo Kyon sama Keiko lagi ada sesuatu yang mengganjal... sampe Nakano nanya apakah ini tentang Surumi? Dan naturally Kyon jawab "Nggak!" tapi langsung ditampis sama Keiko, "Jelas ini tentang Surumi! Nee, KYON?" Oh DALEMMMMMMMM BANGETTTTTTT sindiran itu bwahahahahhhh!!!! Ada yang PAIT banget nih kayaknya!!! Tapi terus Kyon ngasih tau the fact that Surumi is married dan Keiko langsung shock gitu and suddenly she becomes nice again...! As if the fact that Surumi was married made it impossible for Surumi & Kyon to have something going on kali yah! Hahahahaa... Kyon Kyon... everytime he has a problem he runs to his best friend ALCOHOL! He goes out drinking with Nakano & Keiko sampe mabok abisss.... he was taking TEQUILA SHOTS! yuck... i hate tequila... tapi emang tokcer utk bikin secara hemat dan murah hahahhahaa...

So after his drinking session, he continues to the S BAR to DRINK SOME MORE! Aiyoyoyoyo Kyon-chan...... nakal yah kamu... minum2x terus... He walked in with this "MUPENG SMILE" on his face... obviously very very drunk... such a cute face though! hahahahaa... (see screencap) Ternyata Shizue-san udah hired Surumi loh untuk jadi bartender di bar itu... dan kebetulan juga lagi pada ngumpul spt biasa di sana... dan tiba2x Kyon nongol dengan TAMPANG MABOK SENYUM2x MUPENG gitu hauhauhauaa (see screencap) wahahhaa aduh lucu banget tampangnya... dan dia masih gak tau sama sekali kalo Surumi kerja disitu... and even more so he's too drunk to realize she's there until she served him a martini or something... and then he drank it and looked up... dan baru liat Surumi! Oro oro oro....... lalu tiba2x... eeee? Koq dia teleeerrrr??? Bwahhahaa... and the next scenes are sooo damn amusing!!!

Surumi: *tertatih2x gendong Kyon* Aduuuh... berat sekaliiii!
Kyon: *setengah sadar* Aree?! Eee... Surumi-san ngapain? *terus baru nyadar kalo dia lagi digendong* Hueee... aduh turunin gueee... ngapain gendong2x guee...
Surumi: Ii desu yo... nggak papa koq...
Kyon: Ah sou desu ka? *senyum mupeng lalu yang tadinya gayanya udah siap turun dari gendongan Surumi tiba2x meluk Surumi lagi dan siap begaya bobo sambil digendong* Sumimaseeeen...!
Surumi: Kyon, are you OK?
Kyon: KYON JYA NAI DESU!!! ........ ah... Kyon da...! *TOENGG beginilah org mabok*
Surumi: Beginilah... minum kebanyakan sih kamu yaaah toeng...
Kyon: *teriak kenceng banget* SURUMI-SANNNN!!!!
Surumi: Haaai?
Kyon: Sumimaseeen...!
Surumi: Lho koq minta maaf untuk apa???
Kyon: Nggak tau untuk apa... pokoknya sumimaseeeeen!
Surumi: Aduh berat sekaliiii...
Kyon: Kalo gitu aku turuuuun!!! *langsung dorong Surumi dan gedubrakssss di atas aspal*
Surumi: Eeeeh... daijobu Kyooon?
Kyon: *terduduk di aspal nunduk gitu* Sumimasen Surumi-san....... sumimasen... <-- ini bikin gue mo aja
Surumi: *jongkok di sebelah Kyon* Kyon wa warukunai..... Kyon nggak melakukan apa2x yang salah koq..... sama sekali.... Kyon wa warukunai...! Gomen ne, Kyon?
Kyon: Sou desu ka? *sambil senyum2x terus berdiri* Sumimasen!!! *tapi berdirinya masih oleng2 abis gitu*

Surumi: Eeeh... daijobu???
Kyon: Haiii!!! OKE... gendong lagiiii! *siap naek ke punggung Surumi* <--
Kyon: *tiba2x....* SURUMI!
Surumi: Ya?
Kyon: UMI GA MITAI!!! <-- aku pengen liat laut!!!
Surumi: HA?
Kyon: Pengen liat lauttt..... *tiba2 lari ke tiang lampu dan mulai manjat itu tiang*
Surumi: EEEH!!! KYON!!!! BAHAYAAAA!!!
Kyon: *gelayotan di tiang lampu* UMI GA MITAAAAIIII!!!!

aduh.... toeng bangettt deh Kyon mabok mode!!! Akhirnya Surumi ngedrop Kyon sampe naek ke ranjangnya... and here comes the sad scene.... Surumi looks over the table and sees her keyholder just lying there without the key... Aduh mukanya... sakit hati banget lagi... segampang itukah ternyata Kyon mencopot kunci itu seperti gak ada artinya... duh kesian banget......... akhirnya Surumi angkat kaki silently dengan cuman bilang "Oyasumi..."

Duh gue makin sakit hati deh ngeliatin mereka berdua... they're both SO MISERABLE without each other... tapi dua2xnya keukeuh sumeukeuh nggak mau mengakui... Kyon dengan harga dirinya... Surumi dengan her fear of rejection... (that's what I think ya) Gue sedih ngeliat Kyon yang sekarang day to day-nya always look so miserable dan susah........ Dan Surumi yang kayaknya memaksakan diri untuk senyum terus and keep telling herself that it's OK... and tries to convince herself that Kyon's words doesn't affect her... but the fact of the matter is, it does affect her, because Kyon means something to her, makanya kata2x Kyon yang pedas itu menyakitkan banget buat dia...!

OK, the next scenes I can't quite understand pefectly... Surumi gets a letter that has a name 「中野渉」 "NAKANO WATARU" I'm assuming his person is Surumi's husband... and setelah gue pelototin lagi di screen komputer... ternyata surat itu adalah surat dari kayak badan sipil gitu deh dan surat itu adalah surat permohonan DIVORCE!!! So I think Surumi's husband is divorcing her!!! Anyway, upon receiving that letter, Surumi goes out for awhile... and we see later on that she went to visit a grave... and later on we also know that the grave she visited were her parents' grave... Not sure what happened to her parents... but anyway...

Well, look who decided to drop in!!! KYON arrived at the shop to see if Surumi was in... and he had a little chat with Surumi's little friend, and it was then and there that Kyon discovered some things about Surumi that he never really knew...

Kyon: Is Surumi in?
Friend: Hmmm... no, she went out for a bit...
Kyon: S bar?
Friend: Hmmm... chotto chigau ne...
Kyon: Ee?

Then she started telling him about how Surumi is having problems... and tells him that it's really not about Kyon, the friend tells him that Surumi does like Kyon, but right now, it's not about that. That made him realize that Surumi has this mysterious life that Kyon really doesn't know all about. Then she tells him about how she feels sorry for Surumi because all she wants is happiness that she doesn't have. Despite she's married, she's not happy at all.

Kalo gitu sejauh ini nih... interpretasi gue tuh tentang Surumi begini... she's this rich kid, and I assume her parents are in the architecture society or somewhat, which explains how she knew Honda-san, and the university professor, that is through her parents' socials. Honda-san is probably her parents' protege or something when Surumi was still a kid... and waktu dia masih umur 11 tahun itu, Honda-san pernah somehow melontarkan sebuah janji kalo akan menikahi Surumi kalo udah gede... yah u know lah in comic books there are always these kinds of stories... anyway, Surumi never really demanded that promise to be kept because she got married to someone else herself... but somehow, no idea what happened in that marriage, but it didn't work, and she was miserable. She knew her husband was divorcing her, so in her misery and low self-esteem, she desperately seeks a substitute to make her forget about her problems, her sadness, and to help her bring her back to her feet, and then she remembers HONDA-SAN... Disitulah dia ketemu dengan Kyon... dan ternyata apa boleh buat Honda-san itu udah punya cewek... jadi rencana berantakan... tapi ya since Surumi really has nothing better to do and most of all, she just wants to forget about her problems and her sadness, jadilah kegilaan2x Surumi selama ini terhadap seluruh dunia BokuMado.... very very sad kalo gue liat sih... Actually, the seemingly happiest person in whole dorama, turns out to be the most unhappy person....

After hearing the friend's story... duh... Kyon kayaknya langsung ngerasa bersalah banget... 「会いたい... 彼女に会いたいとおもった...」 "Aitai... kanojyo ni aitai to omotta..." Tiba2x Kyon pengen ketemu banget ama Surumi... and he walks around just thinking about her, and hoping he would run into her... sementara Surumi juga jalan2x tanpa tujuan... and we could see that she's always wearing that smile on her face, which makes it even sadder because now we know deep down inside, itu senyum sebenernya kepaksa... she's really not happy at all.

Akhirnya Surumi sampai di depan gedung apartmentnya Kyon... di bawah... she just stares up onto the window, and then she walked away... tapi eeeeh tau2x dia ketemu Honda-san, who invited her up to his place because he sensed something is wrong. No funny intentions, I think Honda-san is just being nice to the daughter of his mentor or something like that lah..... Nah di rumah Honda-san ini akhirnya curhatan Surumi keluar... again, not really sure what the conversation is about, but I think there are words where Surumi reminded him that he once promised to marry her when she was a little girl... and I think Honda-san tells her that it's OK to cry when she's miserable... it's OK to be unhappy once in awhile, and she has to let it out. First she resisted and was ready to leave tapi ditahan sama Honda-san... dan akhirnya, Surumi nangis juga............ uh sedih banget... I feel really sorry for her... tapi... yang paling NAASnya adalah............

KYON SUDDENLY OPENED HIS WINDOW ACROSS THE STREET AND SAW SURUMI CRYING IN HONDA-SAN's ARMS!!!!!!!! OH MY GOD THE LOOK ON HIS FACE.... aduh gue gak tega ngeliatnya... I can't look!!! It's like this hurt-sad-angry-betrayed look in his eyes and I can't describe it, just see for yourself....... Kyooooooooonnnn!!! Duh tampangnya sakit hatiiii banget!!! I guess that's because he's finally starting to realize his real feelings for Surumi, and at the turning point where he was about to face the fact that he loves her... a moment before he opened his window, he was actually holding Surumi's keyholder and looking at the key hanging on his wall... I think he was thinking about giving it back to Surumi!!!!!! But then he opens the window and......... I think this next sentence that closed this episode has to be the saddest sentence ever to have been said in the whole entire series...

そして... 僕の恋の終りも... このまどだった...」
"It was this window that brought me & Surumi-san together...
And also at this same window, my love ends."

To be continued to Eps #8.....

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