Alright, Bale invasion is over. I locked him back up on my LJ and he's gonna STAY THERE! XD Unless... aa... sudden... urge... to... blog... Bale... NO... MUST NOT... CAVE... *_*
← that's Yoshi, Yoichi &
aki whacking me btw ^^;

I'm worried -.- It's a little bit waaaaay too silent up in the Takki world. No Takiren update. No nothing. Just him locked up inside NHK Studio Park shooting his Yoshitsune ass off everyday and perhaps cooking up his solo concert stuff. Must . brace . and . prepare . self . for . sudden . SHOCKS (that might suddenly hit you just when you least expect it!)

In other things... the latest edition of Josei Seven has something about the Yoshitsune Dannoura shooting. I have no idea how many pages, but I think the magazine just came out either yesterday, or the day before it. I don't know how many pages either, but all I know is that both me and aki had been tricked in the past by this magazine that showed a huuuuuge picture of Takki on the cover (during that bean-throwing festival at Naritasan)--which of course got aki to buy it for me *LOL* until she brought it back home and flipped to like, the ends of the earth of the magazine and found only one teeny tiny BLACK & WHITE !@#$% group picture of everyone at the Naritasan festival (and you can't really see his face clearly because firstly it's a small pic, secondly it's a small group pic, and thirdly it was a BW page meaning bad quality paper)

BUT in any case, I asked my cousin who is in Singapore right now to check out any Josei Sevens on the Kino racks anyway (old addictions die hard) and to REPORT! (if it's worth buying or not) fufufu >=D

Lately I just realized that my magazine addiction/obsession--whatever you call it--actually had been rooted in my flesh and blood ever since I was still back in highschool O_O Just recently tore apart my old boxes of stuff and crap and found some French (?), German (??) and even Italian (???) magazines that I've collected during my Brad Pitt worship years *hides* @o@ Now HOW ON EARTH did I ever get my hands on those, I seriously can't remember!!! Either I begged the way I did to that UK Premiere publisher for their Val Kilmer cover edition, or I happened to pick them up during my trip to Europe back in highschool? 全然覚えなかった~ ^^; Point being, I've always had been a magazine idol addict--and the spending and all the goodies came along with the addiction ^^;;; Mah~ I don't understand how people can live their lives without the pleasure of having idols~ tee-hee-hee ^o^ (well, this opinion is quite subjective, I guess) But all I know is that despite Takki had been the major culprit for most of the emotional roller coasters in my life for the past 2.5 years, but that's probably why there's color in my life XD

Speaking of emotional roller coasters... I'm getting a reading... =.= It's coming soon... soon... (maybe next month) along with Takkicon schedule... soon... soon... Quick! Grab your roller coaster buddy for mental support! XD I got mine! *clings to aki & tako!*

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Something that aki cooked up last night, inspired by the notorious "finger photo" of Christian Bale ROFL ROFL ROFL!!!!!

Ooooh aki you're so ebilll!!! (and genius!!!) You crack me up soooo bad when I opened your LJ and saw this just earlier this morning! XD LOL LOL LOL ahhh I just had to repost this up here just coz it's so funny! XD *begs forgiveness to (ahem) Lord Bale-sama* =.=

Christian Bale photos borrowed from
Takki photos from takizawa-hideaki.NET
Tsubasa photo from tsubasa-imai.NET ^^
Story and concept by aki finetuned by nere
Any Christian Bale fan who stumbled upon this, please don't get mad! This is just a silly joke we cooked up just for fun (coz we're bored? LOL) I love Christian Bale too!
And if you're Christian Bale or Takki o_O; m(_ _)m ゴメンね! I'M SO SORRY, but I just love picturing the two of you whooping each other's asses off >=D *evil grin*

And BTW!!! That "finger photo" of Bale is a byproduct of the wondrous airbrushing works of aki on photoshop whereas the original shows Bale with TWO fingers up and somehow she managed to airbrush it into a... uh... statement XD Hey aki! Don't we have a lot of stocks on Batman and Yoshitsune photos? >=D fu... fu... fu... XD

Oh ami! I've truly sinned against His Divine Cosmicness Lord Bale-sama haven't I? T.T How can I ever redeem myself? T____T

Ahhh where is this Takki!!!!! >.< Give me some Takiren to translate! Some random happenings to squee on! LOL~ Some reports of the Film Festa written by some fans who went was such a zzz... even they say it's a zzz (TxT-wise, of course) ah... thud... Give me TAKKI SOLOCON SCHEDULE!!! T___T

Got e-mail from Cathy! She was in NHK in the afternoon but she missed Takki coz he was there shooting in the MORNING!!! T.T *pats Cathy*... Ooooh but she did managed to catch the Film Festa it seems! Oh goodie... now I can just wait for her report to see what the whole thing is all about this year! XD

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Good news Takki fans! Chatting with momo-chan and her friend said that Takki's been sighted shooting in NHK Studio Park again! o_O''' Which means he's back in Japan! ...which also means he goes back to work in Yoshitsune-mode again almost immediately? ^^; Taihen deshita ne......

And he updated his Takiren too... Cathy is away in Tokyo ne... not sure if she has time to help update, but whenever you have time dear :) Yatta neeee~ he came back and updated before you left Japan!!! <3 Takki does love you! o^-^o I wonder if he talked about any bad toilet experiences LOL~

[@11:50 PM]
Hmmm... Cathy said there were no Takiren updates on her phone... so we'll just wait ne for his next update :) Oh and btw, there will be a 3-hour SP of
Zubari on August 6! O___O WOW!!!!! THREE HOURS!? O.o'''' Yikes... what are they gonna do in the show!!? XD Digital perm Teppei's hair? XD
[/@11:50 PM]


*crawls back into Baletopia* 0=)

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The title confuses me... it was announced quite awhile ago ne... but anyway, U-san just sent me this newsclip that was recorded by her friend Hikaru-chan who lives in the Izumo area, apparently it was aired on the local TV in that area about 2 weeks before? When the news of the concert title came out or something? So it's Izumo-spirit-bloom-meeting-jump event? XD Yeah, ok... in other words... a concert! :)

Supposedly Izumo is like a Benkei-related area, maybe it's Benkei's hometown or something? Not sure... because there's a lot of Benkei-festivals happening in Izumo around late springtime entering into summertime. LOL~ Takki says he's excited that as Yoshitsune, he'll be visiting Benkei's area while Tsubasa..... is interested in THE FOOD! XD LOL! Btw, Tsubasa's perm looks very nice ne...!
aki was already all _ over the Tsuba-hair last night... LOL but it looks VERY NICE! Very stylish! I like it too! Thank god... usually the word "perm" kinda results in something absolutely disastrous =.=''' Well now we know Tsubasa pulls PERM way better than he pulls off KEWPIE! (Although I kinda think that his kewpie is cute--unless of course it becomes permanent then it becomes un-cute instantly LOL!)

I thought the Izumo Dome isn't such a big venue... but from the looks of it, it looks pretty huge ne?! Well, after all it *IS* a DOME and not some puny hall, but not sure how the standards are for "domes" in that area! LOL...!

But I guess *sigh* yes... it will be the last unit concert of the year because Takki said so in the newsclip. Something about being the last unit activity of the year, and he's excited about going to the area because he's never been there. That's awesome for the fans there. Takki says he really wants to have fun, sing and dance with the people there! Ah tanoshimi na~! But no more unit con in Takki solocon schedule... ah... so sad... oh well! C'est la vie!

I just wish he'd announce his solo concert schedule soon

ひかるちゃん、うーさん、何度もありがとうございます! m(_ _)m

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New layout dekimashita~ \(^o^)/ Goodbye layers, hello tables!!!! Hey! It actually looks like a real BLOG now! XD I think I'm cutting down on icons too... I need to learn to type normally without inserting crazy-ass icons here and there!

*THUD* It's impossible. After 2.5 years of icon-infested entries... old habits die hard! But anyway! Ahhhhhh finito! I'm so glad! But lately there isn't just enough time in one day for me to juggle Takki and the Christian Bale DISRUPTION in my life (by waving that wedding ring in front of my face in every interview video I downloaded *BAWLS A RIVER*), which makes me now with even LESSER TIME in my hands!!!!!!! *dies* Ahhhh but I welcome Lord Bale-sama's disruption ANYTIME!!!! OMG
ami!!!! Yours truly is soooo totally leaking out here slowly!!!! Even the most secure LJ locks can't hold him in there!!! *drags Christian Bale back into my locked LJ* XDDDDDD *throws the wedding ring in there as well!* T______T

Anyway... as promised, I found some Film Festa photos in Yahoo! Auctions Japan which was actually passed by momo-chan last night, and the photos successfully made me and aki screech and grin as wide as the Pacific and Atlantic AND INDIAN OCEAN COMBINED!!! XD He does look a little skinny but kekekekkeeeee......

I was more particularly grinning and typing in caps about the unit photo for some reason! aki got confused too wondering why I was squeeing mostly on TSUBASA! LOL! But ahhhh look at Tsubasaaaa he looks soooo cute with that face!!! And that HAT!!!! And what's written on his shirt does his shirt really say "I DONUT"????? LOL Does that mean he doesn't the Film Festa T-shirt so that's why he's wearing an I Donut T-shirt?! XD LOL Tsubasa you naughty boy! Last year you didn't stick to your unit color (while Takki also wore the PINK T-shirt last year--and THIS YEAR HE WEARS PINK AGAIN!) I don't know whether to laugh or be alarmed at the fact that Takki keeps wearing pink!!! XD *pets Takki* Good boy Takki good boy... stick to your Yume colors! Heheee~

I'm not sure if there are more photos of Takki and/or unit photos but so far that's what's on the internet for now. I know Tsubasa definitely should have more photos from his crosstalk with Miyake Ken?

I don't need that T-shirt... I don't need that T-shirt... I didn't buy last year, I won't have to buy again this year... I don't need that T-shirt (despite Takki is wearing it and the T-shirt looks a whole lot better than last year's!) but I don't need the T-shirt... I don't need the T-shirt...... *whacks self*

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« the blog

takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

« newsflash

takki's solo concert
"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
12/23 osaka jou-hall
12/25 yokohama arena
13:30 & 17:30 (both days)

yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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olympus cm - 07/2005

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'05 CON photos

'05 CON 05/21/2005
'05 CON 04/30/2005
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channel@ 04/28/2005
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mezamashi 04/15/05
kamen premiere secret live

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hey3 08/11/2004 part 2
hey3 08/11/2004 part 1
DK q&a 07/11/2004
utaban 04/11/2004
MS 29/10/2004
serenade pv
serenade cover shoot #2
serenade cover shoot #1
serenade cover + lyrics

yoshitsune season
yoshitsune ep.32
yoshi & shizuka @ gunma
oban desu iwate
iwate journal
yoshitsune shoot on nhk

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#1: gmm building
#2: poolside party
#3A: ticket chaos
#4: miscellaneous

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"okaa-san daijoubu da yo!"
senshuuraku photos
dream boy review #2

dream boy review #1
may 22 show
may 20 show
may 19 show

shokura 08/21/2005
shounentai playzone 800
studio park 03/22/2005
shokura 02/20/2005
shokura 12/09/2004
shokura 05/02/2004
MS 04/23/2004
utaban 04/22/2004
gm 04/13/2004
gm 01/21/2004
gm 03/24/2004
hey3 02/09/2004
MS 01/30/2004
one day one dream pv
pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

« thank you

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