Ohhhh Takki.... thank you thank you thank you so much for taking time to update your J-web to let us know what's going on in your life!!!! I love you!!! I love you!!! I love you Takizawa Hideaki!!!!!!! <33333 Thank you thank you thank you for being such a bearer of good news!!!! And most of all, thank you thank you thank you to Anego-san who keeps sending me Takirens soooo promptly!!!! <3333

(^ε^)~♥ *MWACKS!*

Didn't Tsubasa say that he hasn't seen Takki SINCE THAILAND???? Which means.......... they all arrived in Japan from Thailand on July 26, and they finally met up on AUGUST 27!!!!!!
Un-f*cking-believable!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE SEPARATED FOR THAT LONG????? o_O''' OMG...... one month... and an even bigger OMG, IT'S BEEN MORE THAN ONE MONTH SINCE THAILAND?????????? O_o''''

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 93 - August 28, 2004
Lately the temperature has been changing drastically day by day naaー?
Today after so long I had work with Imai-san yo
As usual it was high-tension yo
For lunch, I wanted to eat tororo soba
(i think this is grated yam soba)
But if I do the same, I will be called copycat and I hate it
So I ate oroshi udon
(and I think this is grated radish udon)

To Imai-san
Tsubacon otsukarechan, I'm so sorry I couldn't comeー
Also, you sang Futari no Yoru? Arigatou!
Did Tsubasa sing FUTARI NO YORU????? *runs to the BBS where someone posted the setlist* O_O''' WAHHHH!!! IT *IS* THERE!!! I DID NOT NOTICE THAT FUTARI NO YORU WAS THERE!!!!! TSUBASA SANG FUTARI NO YORU!!!! WAHHHH!!!! TSUBASAAAA~~~~~!!!! MWACKKKSSSS TSUBASAAAA!!!! MWACKS MWACKS MWACKSSSS~~~~~ Kyayayayayayayaaaaaaa!!!

And they had WORK together today! I wonder what they were doing??? Could it be......
Mwohohohohohohoh~~~~ OMG I can't believe how HYPER I suddenly turned right after I read this Takiren!!!! OMG... Takkiiiiiiii~~~~ you have no idea how much I LOVE YOU right now~~~ mwaaaa.... but where were you? What did you do? Were you out in the jungles/mountains for Yoshitsune that you couldn't come to Tsubasacon???
タッキー! どうして翼魂にいけない~? (ToT)(ToT)(ToT)(ToT)

And that part where he said that if he also ate tororo soba he'd be called a copycat.... anou.... WHO WOULD BE CALLING HIM A COPYCAT??? LOLLLL... Is he talking about TSUBASA? xD xD xD xD I would think that naturally he's eating lunch with Tsubasa... and because Takki & Tsubasa share the same brain they both wanted to eat tororo soba, but since our baby Takki is a little *SLOW* (Eh~ don't get mad yo Takki, it was BAKAJIN who said you were SLOW ROFLOLMAO~) the word got out of Tsubasa's mouth first and Takki is probably like... dang... I want that too! xD xD xD

But has this happened before???? LOLLLLL~ Tsubasa ordered Item A, and then Takki said that he also wanted Item A and then Tsubasa muttered: "Copycat~" or something MWAHAHAHHAHAHA xD

Aiyo these two~ chouuuu kawaaaaiiiiiii~~~~~ ehehehe... Oh oh oh!!! If they met today... then perhaps Takki already apologized personally for not making it to the Tsubacon on his white horse neeeee~~~~ eheheheheeeee..... *HUGE WIDE GRIN*

Tsubasa also updated his 283 ne...... I don't get 283s so I'll wait for jenn xD xD xD xD xD

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magazine scan updates!!! Go go go goooo~~~ xD xD xD xD

You know what... I think I'm starting to kinda figure out the mystery of who Koutan really is.... -_-''' and mwaaaaaaa I don't think it's Koizumi Koutarou! YADA!!! I want him to be Koizumi Koutarou! x( x( x( x( It means that what I said previously was wrong, about how when Takki told us on his J-web that Koutan actually got his parents to sign up, which means if Koutan wasn't Koizumi Koutarou, meaning it wasn't the Prime Minister of Japan who signed up for the J-Web under Tackey & Tsubasa ROFLOLMAO! Dang it, it's too good to be true! However, the Prime Minister did meet up with some Korean soap star deshou? Was it the woman from Winter Sonata? *pukes blood again* xD LOL

I asked about the issue of Koutan to the Japanese friends that we met over in Thailand. They replied that they're not quite so sure but it seems that Koutan is Takki's 30+++ year old salaryman friend! o_O''' Nande Takki! Why are you hanging out with older people! Is that where you picked up your drinking and smoking habit LMAO~~~~ But anyway, my Japanese friends weren't quite so sure but two of them replied that it seems to be the 30+ year old salaryman!

Anyway... just reading over at POTATO AUGUST, in which there's actually a passage which got me a little more convinced that Koutan *IS* that 30+++ yr old salaryman friend of Takki's!

Right after Dream Boy Osaka ended, I had some free time to spend. So at that time I went to an amusement park, and my 34-year-old friend who's always hanging out with me also came. Because he said, "Which *young* place do you want me to accompany you to go?" (laugh) So we went by car, and it was a lot of fun yo.
Do any of you remember that time after Dream Boy Osaka when Takki said in his Takizawa Rengou that he went with his friends to Fujikyu Highlands???? He also mentioned there that he went with Koutan! So it really seems that Koutan *IS* that 30+++ year old salaryman friend of Takki's... as a matter of fact, he's 34 YEARS OLD to be exact, as mentioned by Takki in Potato!

For some reason, I find it a little bit AMUSING... the fact that Takki has a good friend who's actually a SALARYMAN, and plus he's 34-years-old some more! LOLLLL... where in the hell did they meet?????? o_O? Who hooked these two up that they became such such such such good friends? What do they talk about??? I'll bet Koutan teases him a lot about the fact that he's an idol LOL... or better yet... Koutan probably doesn't give a shit about Takizawa Hideaki, THE IDOL, but probably sees him as just Takizawa Hideaki, THE REAL DORK WITHIN! xD xD xD That dork that we all LOVE so much that sometimes we just wanna cry because we're so crazy about him! Takki, do you know how much effect you have in our lives? We're always happy because of you yooo~~~ hahahaha... Mwaaaa~~~~~~~ Isn't it cool to have Takizawa Hideaki as your friend? You know what, I bet they totally clicked because of PRO-WRESTLING! Yep, yep... you wanna bet? I'll bet that Koutan is somewhat another pro-wrestling FREAK! xD xD xD xD

edit @ 11:34 PM:

Although going to such young places is fun, but we had to get there in driving in one vehicle, once in awhile only taking a tea break. But I think going to such places occasionally is good kana...
It sounds like............ ROADTRIP!!!! xD xD xD xD xD Tanoshisou!!!!! I wanna go roadtripping with Takki too!!! LOL.... you know, I really had no idea he actually could be quite adventurous... he seemed like SUCH SUCH SUCH A HERMIT last year...! Always at home, sleeping, sitting at home in SILENCE... (he said yo, he doesn't even put music on, he just loves to be surrounded by silence at home -_-''') he doesn't shop much, doesn't like e-mailing much, doesn't like talking on the phone much (yes, he said all this!)... and suddenly this year he's such a crazy chatterbox over his J-Web and also ROADTRIPPING???? xD

OK, who's that ingenius who managed to break HERMIT TAKKI??? I'd like to give that person a gold medal please! xD xD xD xD

Also, sometimes we go to the game center, or we go to the movies. I'm just always spending time a lot outside. Until now I think that I often say that I'm mostly "secluded at home", but this year is a little different yo. Because I go with the active clique (laugh)
O . M . G . . . . someone really did BREAK HERMIT TAKKI and turned him into an outdoor person!!!!! OMG.... and it sounds like that person is Koutan or something!!! Wait, maybe not! Not sure... coz he was still a hermit last year... and I think he's known Koutan for quite awhile deshou? I think jenn mentioned once that Koutan was mentioned a lot in his Bokumado reports, which was way way way last year? EAAAAAGHHHHH... who's Takki hanging out with nowadays? Who's he roadtripping with??? It definitely did not sound like anyone from the Jimusho..... these are regular people he's hanging out with!!! AAAAA~~~ Take me roadtripping, Takki!!!! x( x( x(

Just at that time also, I was talking on the phone with a friend, "Where to go?" after checking the internet, it seems that there was some pro-wrestling event at Yamagata (laugh) and because of that, I suggested, "Jyaa~ lets go drive to Yamagata!" but too bad we didn't get to actually go......
Do you hear my jaw dropping on the floor? LOLOLOLOLLLL..... has he always been this SPONTANEOUS? xD xD xD Or at least he's trying to be LOL... or perhaps he's only like that because there's a certain *ahem* PRO-WRESTLING FACTOR involved?????? xD xD xD xD

At that time there was also a plan to go drive all the way to Hiroshima (laugh)
Dudeeee~~~~~ Hiroshima is like.............. all the way over at the LEFT!!! OK... I mean all the way at the WEST deshou!? It's not like Tokyo to Yokohama it's very close but Tokyo to Hiroshima....... I just checked with the train travel route calculator & map, the fastest you can get from Tokyo to Hiroshima by shinkansen is around FOUR HOURS, and that's by NOZOMI meaning that by CAR would take.......... uh... I don't know! Waaaay longer than 4 hours!!! LOLLL TAKKI~~~!

I'm the type of person who likes to propose my ideas to my friends. I always think that wherever or whatever kind of places I go, it will definitely be fun. So I want to go to many places.

OMG... that sentence.... he sounds like such a freebird happy-go-lucky kind of person!!!! *1000000000000000000 HEARTSSSSSSSSSS* xD xD xD Takkiiii~~~~~ seriously, has he always been like this? LOL... I haven't really really actually READ his articles word per word... dokidokidokidokiiiii kyayayayaya~ <333333333333

Oh, shocking!!!! Takki turns adventurous! LOL... OK I have a Takiren in my mailbox! Will add more of this article later ne~~~~~

P.S. [岡] [也] [吏] [名] [才] to a lovesickbraindead jenn, fang and dorothy! Otsukarechan!

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Yappari Takki didn't make it to Tsubasa's solo concert ne... T-T I'm sosososossooo saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.....!

Is Takki out of town again? It seems so ne... lets review his schedule according to his Takiren:

Aug 14-18 - in Tochigi, for Yoshitsune shooting, no J-Web update 'coz out of service area
Aug 19 - returned to Tokyo, went to see SUMMARY with Mori Mitsuko
Aug 20 - still in Tokyo, recording ZUBARI IU WA YO!
Aug 21 - still in Tokyo, doing Yoshitsune stuff & 24-Hr-TV @ the Nippon Budoukan
Aug 22 - departed to an undisclosed location for Yoshitsune, bawled on his curry watching Arashi cry on TV
Aug 23 - no Takiren update, still don't know where he is -_-'''
Aug 24 - no shoot, but Yoshitsune studying day for Takki at god knows where...
Aug 25 - Tsubasacon day, but WHERE IS TAKKI?????
タッキー! 今どこにいるの?
I feel like I should be staring at a map of Japan and having to pinpoint where Takki is exactly right now, like the WHERE'S WALLY thingy LOLLLLL xD He's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo BUSY with Yoshitsuneeee it's crazy!!!!! x(
頑張ってよ、タッキー! 気(よ)付けてねぇ~ xD xD xD

I read a report from someone who went to the ichi-bu Tsubasacon today at 10:00 AM (btw I'm still baffled at this alien concept of having a concert at 10:00 IN THE MORNING!!!!! o_O''' I feel like it's still half-bedtime or something! ROFLOLMAO!!!!! xD xD xD Anyway, the report said that there was one audience who actually asked Tsubasa if TAKKI IS COMING or not! And here's what Tsubasa supposedly replied:

Iya~~~ I should be ANGRY at NHK deshou? (bitter smile) I'll say, "IMAI TSUBASA TAKE OUT YOSHITSUNE!" or "KEN MATSUDAIRA IS ALSO ENRAGED!" (laugh)
HA . HA . HA . HA . TSUBASA ! ! !
Yeaaaah Tsubasaaaa you SEND A BOMB to NHK for taking all of Takki's time so that he can't come see your solo concert!!!! x( x( x( Poor Tsubasaaa... and poor Takkiii~~~ I really think that Takki wants to see Tsubasa's concert ne... if he had free time I would bet my life on it that he would DEFINITELY come!!! x( x( x( Oh btw, I dunno what KEN MATSUDAIRA had anything to do with being enraged because Takki didn't come? Hmmm.... I don't even know who he is except that he is also one of the Yoshitsune cast... hmmm mwahahahahaa... maybe Tsubasa meant since Yoshitsune is too much work, Ken Matsudaira is also enraged [that he had to work like insane?] MUHAHAHAHAH? Wakannai yo..... xD But that part where he said he'll take out Yoshitsune MUHAHAHAHAAHHH~~~~~~~~~ xD xD xD It sounds like he's trying to challenge Yoshitsune to a duel to GET HIS TAKIZAWA HIDEAKI BACK! xD xD xD Aiyo Tsubasa... you so funny, boy! xD

And then i think at the second show... there was this one audience that Tsubasa approached somewhere sitting at the U Block. Tsubasa asked, "What is your name?" and he bent closer to put his ear nearer to the person, and the answer came: "TAKIZAWA DESU!" xD xD xD xD MWAHAHAHAHAHA.... And Tsubasa's face looked very surprised and astonished, "Takizawa-san???" Waaakakakakkakaaa....
I bet that person replied "Takizawa" not because her name is Takizawa but because of.... Takizawa da yo! *don't need to explain* LOLOLOLOLLLL.... I can't wait for
jenn and fang's report!!!! Kyayayayayaya~~~~~! xD xD xD Supposedly at the second show, Tsubasa gave out a T-shirt... and I got the impression it was his GYM T-SHIRT??? (Oh no, a very TABOO activity item for jenn? LOLLLL) coz after that he was talking about the gym and his expanding shoulders or something -_-''' uh oh... LOL... xD And I dunno if it was on the 1st show that he gave out a roulette (mini-game? or what?) that he bought in Australia when he shot Tongari Corn CM. :)

Ah... zannen..... Takki didn't make it to the solocon.... it would've been such a great moment...! T-T But oh well... can't be helped... it's all Yoshitsune's fault....! x(

But anyway........ kudos to Imai Tsubasa!!!! *applaud*

edit at 10:00AM:
Mwaaaa... guys guys... please don't be mad at Takki coz he didn't come to Tsubasacon... I was sad that he couldn't make it, but even if HE wanted to it's not like he COULD. His Yoshitsune schedule is very packed, and they are always shooting out of the area. Either he's shooting, or he's training, or he's doing his history lessons and language lessons for Yoshitsune. You must really understand and comprehend the crazy amount of work he has to do for Yoshitsune and I don't think it's something he could get out of -_-'''' He's been to Kyoto, Yamanashi, Tochigi, I think he's also been to Shizuoka... all out of area places for Yoshitsune location... and he only gets two shots to go to the Tsubasa con, on the 18th and 25th, in which unfortunately, his Yoshitsune schedule did not allow him to attend his aikata's concert in both days. Oh hey, but I read that TSUBASA'S PARENTS came on the 18th yo!!! (diverts the subject) xD xD xD xD LOL... so yeah... anyway, I am willing to bet my life that Takki definitely WANTED to come to Tsubacon, I'm 100000000000% sure about that... but yeah... his Yoshitsune schedule... but anyway, Takki is also working very hard and he's very eager and passionate about Yoshitsune as well. This will be his next DIAMOND... so lets just support Takki and hope he stays in very very very good health among his very very very hard/tough schedule ne!!!

Actually... am not even so sure WHERE EXACTLY HE IS!!!!! Coz he didn't update his J-Web yet! Mwahahahaha... if it turns out that he's really in the deep jungle or up in the mountains at Yoshitsune location, then we forgive him!!! BUT IF IT TURNS OUT THAT TAKKI IS IN TOKYO........... O_O
Chuuuuuu~~~~ Takki!!!!

<-- three tamago angels *LOL*

Dude... this feels weird... I feel like I'm his image damage control officer or something... explaining his absence MWAHAHAHAHA xD xD xD *THUD* xD xD xD

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takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

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"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
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12/25 yokohama arena
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yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

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