... to TakkiTsuba's hotel at
Montien Riverside Bangkok soon....... might not get internet access until I get back... the baka hotel is so expensive (well it's not supposed to be) but at the moment they saw the HORDE of fans running to the reception to book a room last night... (it's crazy man... the reception was really turned into a ZOO yesterday... hundreds of females old and young just crowding the reception for a room), the hotel JACKED UP THE PRICE DOUBLE!!!!
Thank god Bee already booked in the afternoon the minute she found out... so we didn't have to suffer the crazy cheat that the hotel is pulling off!!!!! x( x( x(

And baka 1-2-Call didn't announce ticket winners either because supposedly when Bee called them yesterday... they claimed that their system was DOWN yesterday!!!!
And for it to happen on the ANNOUNCEMENT DAY!!!!!!!!! Doushiyou kana... concert is TOMORROW and nobody got notifications yet... I really think if their system really went down... it's due to the CRAZY MASSIVE SMS-ING from the Thai fans!!! LMAO~~~~~~ xD xD xD And with the kind of MONSTROUS BEHAVIOUR I witnessed yesterday..... 1-2-Call better not screw with the Thai fans man..... they would probably march down to the building and BURN IT DOWN if they screw up this ticket announcement thing!!!!!!! xD xD xD (And I'll march down with them!!!) MWAHAHAHAHHH!!!! xD

OK... gotta go change now... wish me luck!!! I think my banner is TOO HUGE to open at concert... so I'm gonna try to open it IN FRONT OF HIS BUS... >=D Even better ne? He'll DEFINITELY SEE IT THEN!!! And I'll have my own "ARMY" too conveniently LMAO~~~~~~ xD

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OMG... never felt so tired in my entire life........ xD xD dakedo HONTOU NI URESHIKATTA..... and very very FUNNY and super omoshiroi yo.... MWAHAHHAHAHAHAHAAA.... omg i don't even know where to START!!!!

So me and march landed in Bangkok at 21.05 PM local time. And supposedly TakkiTsuba and the juniors will land at 22.30 PM on a TG/NH collaboration flight... so that gives us about an hour and a half to find out exactly where he will be landing and exiting... or IF he will actually be exiting out the NORMAL WAY hmmmmmm -_-'''' o my god it was such an ORDEAL figuring out which arrival pier his plane would be pulling over.... which gate, and where? where? where? LMAO~~~~~~~~ we waited and we just literally STARED at the friggin ARRIVAL LIST TV screen.... while going up and down the hallways... I'm pretty sure in the security cameras we would've looked like pretty SUSPICIOUS LOOKING FEMALES going around the terminals, up and down, and not checking out of the immigration LOL.... we could've been planning to plant a BOMB at the Bangkok airport! LMAO~~~~~~

And then suddenly.....
I think we literally went in momentary panic! OK OK... Terminal 2, Belt 10, WHICH WAY? WHICH WAY? WHERE? DOKO? NGYA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
WHICH WAY!!!?????
And so we wandered... wandered... wandered and suddenly we saw a CROWD crowding by the windows... and its not even fangirls, but they were a bunch of AIRPORT STAFF!!!!!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAH~~~~~ We ran over and saw A LOT OF LIGHTS on the ground... TWO BIG RED BUSES... and a bunch of people on the ground right at the bottom of the plane... WE PRESSED OUR FACES ONTO THE GLASS and march whipped out her binoculars and suddenly my DVCam worked SO WELL as binoculars as well!!!! In the distance I think I saw Takki.... and I zoomed in my DVCam and on my screen was......


Black hair and all... he was wearing a black tanktop, looking exactly like he looked in the Tokyo harucon newsclips!!!! KYAAAAAAA~~~~~~ NGYAAAA~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Even from a blurry zoom and a distance we could sooooo tell that it was Tsubasa... from his built, from his movements...... TSUBASA!!!! NO DOUBT!!! TSUBASA!!!!!!!

But where is Takki?

I saw Ueda... Maru... and Kouki... hmmm meaning I saw TUN... *AGAIN*!!!! MWAHAHAHHAHAHA where was KAT?!!! Wakannai yo... heuheuhauhuaa... ran to the other side of the window where I could see the bus from the side..... I keep zooming in on the airplane exit coz we thought there was someone else exiting, perhaps Takki, coz we didn't really see exactly where he was...... and then I started scanning the BUS WINDOWS... and then I stopped short at this person inside the bus wearing a tanktop, and there's that SUPERSTAR SHADES hanging on his shirt....... and...
MWAHAHAHAHHAHHH!!!! THAT WAS A DEAD GIVEAWAY RIGHTAWAY!!!!!!!!! IT WAS TAKKI YO!!!! TAKKI!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHH IN THAT BUS LMAO~~~~~~~ his face was kinda blocked by the window frames but me and march were just staring into my zoomed DVCam screen, STARING AT HIS TAMAGO.... and it's sooooo damn uncanny how we can RECOGNIZE him by his TORSO MWAHAHHAHAHAHA BAKA NEEEE~~~~~~~~~

Their bus pulled away, and apparently Bee & Jan already left for the hotel because they couldn't catch Takitsuba at the airport's main exit since they took the special way out LMAO~~~~~~~ so me and march rushed to the hotel as well........ and omg... seriously... I've never seen anything like it.........


It's SUPER CRAZY YO.... millions of fans just screaming and screaming holding uchiwas and pink and blue boas, KATTUN uchiwas, banners and all kinds of concert goodies.... GYAHHHH~~~~~ NO WONDER THEY LOVE COMING TO THAILAND SO MUCH... THEY ARE BEING TREATED LIKE KINGS HERE... and so many FANS!!!!!! xD xD xD

OK....... I'm so disoriented right now..... huauhauhauaa... crazy excited and just supercharged... CANNOT SLEEP... now at Bee's place... we're all watching TAKKI CRAP since we came back.... rehearsing YUME DANCE.... and now watching J-Asean Pops LMAO~~~~~~~ ok... i'll be back to report tomorrow...

This is crazy yo... xD xD xD



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When I first read about all the posts about this, I misinterpreted it and I thought the Japanese TV were gonna have a 24-hour Takki drama MARATHON! Muhahahahahhh!!!!! Dude.. if that happened, I'd be glued stuck in front of the telly with my eyes bulging out and 10 pots of coffee sitting next to me mwahahahah!!!!

Anyway, I was told by a friend that this is an annual television event or so... and every year they have a special 1-episode dorama in this 24-hour TV thingie... last year's (2003) was Nagase & Fukada's [ futari ].
YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY~~~~~~~~ *pompom dance pompom dance pompom dance* My friend told me also that it's titled [ kokoro no tobira ] (oh whoops!!! yeah thats the old dorama title! this year's is 「父の海、僕の
ariye-san corrected in her comment! thanks! chu~~~) and if you're wondering who the leading lady will be.... huahuhuhaahh.... she tells me its gonna be a father and son kinda plot so perhaps a leading lady won't be necessary HOAHAHOAAHAHHAAH~~~

oh and btw, the whole thing will be hosted by Arashi while last year it was hosted by TOKIO. Kewlies yo~~~ and the dorama special being Takki's......... oh la la..... mwaaaaaa... you cannot even imagine just half of how PSYCHED I am that he's going to be in a dorama again despite that it's only one episode! I've been thinking about how DEPRIVED I would be just waiting for friggin YOSHITSUNE! x( x( x(

Yay yay yay yay....

Oh yeah... it airs on August 21 fufufuufufuuuu thank you GOD, thank you all you people in Japanese television network business! THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!

Good point that snuffles brought up.... hmmm.... *WHEN* exactly will he find time to shoot this? Ah, but he's SUPER-TAKKI deshou? he'll find time for sure LMAO~~~~

Oh and if I don't get to blog again tomorrow.............
I'm going to Bangkok tomorrow night!!!!! Nyaaaa~~~~~ nyaaaaa~~~~~

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According to
Bee, supposedly Takki and Tsubasa will also sing EPILOGUE in Thai language!!!!!!!!!!!! Mwahahahahahahhhhh.... oh my goodness...... not one but TWO songs in Thai-go!!!! How is he coping with the learning? Are they gonna have big big big big NOTES pasted on the stage floor when singing... cheatnotes? LOL.... I remembered when Energy had their concert in Indonesia and they sang that Indonesian song... they have large large large papers pasted on the floor for them to cheat!!! xD xD xD Mwahahahhahaa......
THUD... Epilogue.... xD LOL...... I'm so amazed... I'm soooo amazed at these two... LOL!!!! Now I'm just wondering exactly HOW MANY SONGS will they be singing though...
Oh my god... if I fly all the way to Thailand and get only two songs because the rest of the concert is hogged by Tutu, Tata, Toto Young or whatever whoever...... -_-'''' the rest of the UNIMPORTANT ARTISTS *lol* xD xD xD *kick kick kick other artists off the stage except johnnys!!!!* LMAO.... xD
I went to the doctor today... I'm healthy! I'm healthy! But what baffled me is that how is it that a 10 minute doctor visit of consultation and very brief scanning result in a bill that could sort of... uh.... fly me to Bangkok?????? O_o''' Should I be glad that my Bangkok airticket is only equal to ONE DOCTOR'S VISIT, or should I be thinking about how is it that my doctor charges me a fee that could FLY ME TO BANGKOK? o_O??? Right now I need justification for my LIE-LIE-FULL-OF-LIES Bangkok trip 0:-) so I'll just think the first one... that my Bangkok airticket is only one doctor's visit's worth!!! LMAO~~~~~~ I'm so bad............ xD
It rained in Singapore today... but surprisingly I feel that it wasn't as hot this time around than the time I came last month, and it was even crazier hotter when I came back from Osaka here!!! o_O''' It got better, thank god... while I think cynthia is screaming bloody murder over the heatwave in Japan!!!! x( x( x( I saw the weather forecast today and it says Tokyo at 39 degrees Celcius??!?!??!! OH MY GOD... that is *INSANE!* But Takki went to a barbecue today ne... he said so in his Takizawa Rengou Vol 65 - July 20 (thanks, cyn!!! CHUUU~~~) he said he is going to a barbecue with a FRIEND whom he did not specify exactly WHO! O_o''' Dare dare dare???? TAKKI!!!!!!!!! *shake shake shake* DAREEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! Is it Kou-tan again??!?!?! 'Coz it Vol 64 - July 18 he actually said that he was out with Koutan!!!!! xD BTW, who is this Koutan is he really Koizumi-san! LOL!!!! xD And the funniest thing about vol. 64 is that Takki gave everyone a QUIZ on what exactly it is that he did when he went out!!! He asked if he:
     a. went to see pro wrestling
     b. went shopping
     c. went to go see fireworks [??!!?!!?!] *THUD*

Talk about a RHETORICAL QUESTION!!! No wait... more like... asking if a cat would: a. meow, b. bark, or c. moo. uh-duuuu-hhhhhh xD xD xD xD YES, LADIES & GENTS, IT *IS* PRO-WRESTLING that Takki went to see! SURPRISED? Not really, huh? He also mentioned something about how we all should know because it was like stating the obvious! LOL... he's sooo obsessed with it... probably to the same extent that we're obsessed with him!
Etou... so does that mean....
Takki = obsessed with pro-wrestling
We = obsessed with Takki
Into the equation we go, and it would mean that indirectly, we are obsessed with PRO-WRESTLING????? Nyak~~~~~~~~~ x( x( x( Yadaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~ Mwahahahhaha!!!

Now conversing with Bee & Jan and also march over on MSN....... suddenly have the feeling that we will all get VERY VERY FAT in Thailand... lol... tom yum kung, pad kra pau, rad na, pad thai, thai iced tea... MONTHONG DURIAN.......... oh my goodness o_O''' I wonder if I can pack a box of durian monthong in 1,000 layers of newspaper and then smuggle it in airport and into Singapore for my whole family to eat? LOL... we're all durian lovers... xD muhahahahhaa.... then perhaps the airport will make me open it because they think I have some THORNY-LOOKING BOMBS in the box... xD xD xD Zannen.... if I could... I really wanted to bring a boxful of Monthongs home.... that would be... h.e.a.v.e.n........ xD
THAI FOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'M COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OMG... I've been so caught up in painting my stupid banner that I've missed out reading on J-web updates sooooo much on
cynthia's!!!!!!!!! xD xD xD SO IT'S TRUE DESHOU!!!!
Oh dear, I'm gonna CRACK UP sooooo baaaaaaaaaddddddd listening to it... and I'll bet Takki will forget his lines again... I mean, he screwed Japanese songs already, let alone THAI LANGUAGE SONGS (despite that it's his own song!!!) huahuahuhaa... On his Takizawa Rengou Vol 63 - July 17, he said that he had been practicing for the Thai Version of Yume Monogatari, and that it sounded CRYPTIC (because he described it by posting up a bunch of incomprehensible symbols!!!!) MUHAHAHAHAHAHHH.... I cracked up sooooo baaaaaaaaaadddddd reading that.....

Takki: "It felt like [ ★∊ヴ∬ɤх⊓∵⊿Σ ]"

MWAHAHHAHAHAHHH!!!!! I can't stop laughing!!!! When I first read about the news that someone posted up in Bee & Jan's website BBS... I can only imagine what it sounded like........... and what I wanna know more is that in the end.........
Mwahahhahaahhh!!!! xD xD xD xD But anyway, GANBATTE NE, TAKKI & TSUBASA!!!! I can't wait to hear the prongtaptip kumkap Yume Monogatari (I hope I didn't just write something super offensive LMAO~~~~ I don't mean to be offensive in any way, but I'm just describing how Thai language sounds in my head....!!! I've been told so many funny things about how my language sounds too LMAO~~~~) But even so.... aiya... WHO CARES YO! Mwahahaha... who cares if we understand... who cares if we don't understand... who cares if the Dream Boy plot is super illogical and baka... who cares if the world comes to an end when we can go rub tamago!!!! xD xD xD Poor Takki.... he's so serious in everything but we just don't care... all we care about is gawking at him... as long as I can get a LIVE glimpse... who cares if the roof collapses (unless it collapses on him!!!! o_O''') ok *slap slap slap* must appreciate his efforts too! POOR TAKKI!!!! xD Hahahahaha....
Can you imagine during the concert... they're probably gonna like... teach the audience on how to sing it first... xD xD xD We'll see if he does his pronunciations right!!!!! And we'll see if the audience all will go: [ ???????????? ] or what?? HUAHAHAHAHHAA... I'm just amazed though... they all went through such great lengths to actually personalize their hit song into the Thai language!!!! They must REALLY love Thailand!!!! (or... *something* in Thailand... >=D ) Muohohohoho.... >=D Dang... you Thai people are chou bery bery lucky desu yo! xD
Yosh... Takki, Tsubasa....
夢物語タイ語ヴァージョンの事. . . 頑張って ! ! !

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« the blog

takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

« newsflash

takki's solo concert
"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
12/23 osaka jou-hall
12/25 yokohama arena
13:30 & 17:30 (both days)

yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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DK q&a 07/11/2004
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MS 29/10/2004
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shounentai playzone 800
studio park 03/22/2005
shokura 02/20/2005
shokura 12/09/2004
shokura 05/02/2004
MS 04/23/2004
utaban 04/22/2004
gm 04/13/2004
gm 01/21/2004
gm 03/24/2004
hey3 02/09/2004
MS 01/30/2004
one day one dream pv
pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

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