Oh... and I got my Poporo too, but just a couple of days ago cynthia was screaming bloody murder about how Poporo DID NOT HAVE A SINGLE TAKKI PAGE! Nandayo Poporo! And I'm SUBSCRIBED to it! So as I was contemplating whether I should just get it anyway....... Suddenly I saw a big big big "KIMURA TAKUYA" written on top of the cover...!!! *turns and glances at a toro-chan whose face reflected a SERIOUS NEED of getting more Kimura Takuya stuff from the magazine racks*.... so I tossed it to her! Yay! Saved! She was asking me ARE YOU SURE you don't want this Poporo? Baby, no Takki, no buy! It's as simple as that! Isn't my life easy? Yeah rite...
Anyway... on to the J-Web posts... The perfect reaction to Takki's Takizawa Rengou Vol 46 post last night would be:
First of all there was a big BWAHAHAH story from Takki. And then his answer to Tsubasa's question was even more BWAHAHAHAHH! I am *LOVING* this crazy AHOU exchange posts between them!!! But why do they refer to each other as "Takizawa-san" and "Imai-san"???? *WHACK WHACK WHACK* You silly boys!!!!! Give us some "Hideaki-kun" and "Tsubasa" will yah? Mwahahahahah! I'm sure this is alllllll already planned in their evil evil evil schemes... they will do a "To Takizawa-san" and "To Imai-san" for like..... a looongg time and then one day they'll just SHOCK US and KILL US when they go "Hide-kun" or "Tsuba-CHAN" And we'll all have an entire CRAZY ARSE FIELD DAY because of SILLY SALUTATIONS! It's good to be a Takitsuba fan... we get so many FIELD DAYS!!!!
So here's Takki's *THUD* story on today's post as translated by cynthia:
Today I had an interview and we did the photoshoot at my hometown.
I was pretty happy getting to revisit old places where I have a lot of memories.
When I was in school during lunchtime I would always play a lot of pranks and cause a lot of people trouble but now they're all good memories.
Recently I've met one of my senpais from middle school and I was really surpised yo!
We talked about a lot of different things though, "(Takki) What kind of image did you have of me back then??" "(Senpai) To put it straightly you were ERO."
Ee!!!!!!!! Even back then... Even I was a little surprised! Well, I guess even if you say ero~ it's cute isn't it (^^;)
WERE YOU LIKE... A VERY HENTAI-MINDED LITTLE BOY!?!??!?!?!! (in which he still is---hence we are all ero-minded just like our almighty leader!!!) But that was soooo random yo~~~ he must have left a very ERO-IMPRESSIVE image in that senpai's head that he replied ERO anyway!!! Or maybe perhaps the senpai had seen his ero ero dance bit on TV and was so amused by it that he decided to tease Takki about it!!!!!! I loved that "Ee!!!!!!!!!" reaction he had!!! Huahuahuahuaaa reminds me of Kyon!
Dude... I really think that Takki actually *LOVES* the fact that people are calling him ERO and stuff!!!!!!! Because he talks about it a lot! In magazine interviews, TV talks, J-web posts, if we could get a dollar for every single time the word ERO was mentioned... do you think we could be filthy rich already? DO YOU SEE OTHER JOHNNY'S ARTISTS TALKING ABOUT "ERO ERO ERO ERO ERO" ALL THE TIME???? NO!!! IT'S JUST TAKKI!!! LMAO!!! It's cute! And I respect him for being ERO-MINDED OPENLY instead of being a two-faced (putting up such a clean front or even denying: "no no no I'm not ero", while he really is!) He's proud of it!!! Yoshyaaaa Takizawa Hideaki!!! Yes yes yes there's absolutely nothing wrong with being ero-minded! Banzaaaaiiiii Takkiiii you ero baby you~~~~ I'll bet he was an ero-dancing baby ever since he was born!!! Muhahahahah ERO DANCING BABY!!! Did I just say that??? (Think Ally McBeal's DANCING BABY!!) THUD THUD THUD!!!!!!!
And then as if that didn't crack me up enough already... did you know what he suggested to Tsubasa to get BUSHY ARMPIT HAIR??? Tsubasa-kun... mou... I'm still BAFFLED that you actually ASKED this question to Takki!!!!!! And Takki suggested..... *dan dan daaaaaaaannnnnnnn*.....
. . . . . . . . .
Mwahahahahhahahaha Takki!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there actually such a thing??? ARMPIT HAIR EXTENSIONS???!?!?!?!! OK... I'm getting a very disturbing image now of Tsubasa with like Sadako-long armpit hair!!!!! THANKS A LOT FOR PUTTING THAT DISTURBING IMAGE INTO MY HEAD, TAKIZAWA HIDEAKI, YOU WACKY CRAZY ERO DANCING BABY BOY YOU!!!
And Arvin just called me only to tell me that he *THINKS* he saw Takki on TV. First I thought he probably was looking at other Asians artists and you know how to some people, ALL OF THEM LOOKS THE SAME? Until he said, "It says... JOHNNY'S POWER..." And I just went *THUD*!!!!!!!!!! And he put up his phone near his TV...
I DON'T HAVE ASIAPLUS STUPID STUPID INDONESIAN CABLE SERVICE FIRST THEY TAKE AWAY OUR TVBSA THEN THEY TOOK AWAY MTV TAIWAN... AND THEY DON'T HAVE ASIAPLUS!!!!!! (I'm just blaming it all on sucky Indonesian cable service for depriving me of Takki-TV-time... not that I don't get downloads of it eventually! LMAO!!) And also... ARVIN... CONGRATULATIONS ON FINALLY DISCOVERING WHERE MY BLOG IS!!! And for some reason I'm glad Asiaplus showed RealDX instead of the ERO ERO DANCE... because I know I'll never hear the end of it if you had seen it...
CD..... onegaishimasu, Takitsuba?