OMG stoopid ffing blogger won’t publish my entries for the whole entire day what the ffffff….. >.<’’’ even tako and steph tried helping me coz I thought it was my inet connection but they can’t either graaaaaaaaaaaa…..!!!! Anyway, I completely forgot that the MASK 2 premiere was last night and both Takitsuba attendedddddd!!!!!! And OMGGGG~~~ they had a
Bwahhhh~ I'm so jealous!!! Not sure what they sang aside KAMEN... but I don't see any reports saying other songs but Kamen... so I dunno... *shrug*

Where: Shinjuku Tokyo Kouseinenkin Kaikan
When: April 7, 2005
Who: Tackey & Tsubasa, of course!!!!!

Sanspo )

( Sponichi Annex )

( Nikkansports )

( Daily Sports )

They had a press conference and a secret live after the movie ended... at the endroll they went up the stage together, both are wearing black suits...

Reading P-san's reports.... thank you to all the Japanese fans who reported around the world wide web! OMG these two! *LOL* They were asked (in the theme of the movie Mask 2)... if they could put on a mask and henshin (transform) into something what would it be?

Tsubasa first said he wants to be invisible? And then he said, he probably wants to transform into TAKKI!!!! And he said he'll transform into Takki and go to Takki's home and start telling Takki's mother about a lot of stuffs and secrets

Ehhhh naughty Tsubasa! Didn't he also say this in that Making of Serenade PV talk on channel @???? Oh Tsubasa... there must be some dirty dark naughty secret that you're just DYING to tell, isn't there! DO TELL! DO TELLLLLLLL!!!! No need to henshin into Takki! TELL US NOW!!! Oh dear... poor Takki... why is everyone just dying to SQUEAL on his secrets??? Tsubasa... Hosoki Kazu-chan.... LOL! Takki better learn to keep all his secrets to himself! LOL!

And Then Takki said that he wants to henshin into a WOMAN????? *dies* LOL xDDDDD He says something about broadening his perspectives (in turning into a WOMAN????) LOL! Like in fashion, make-up, etc... and then it goes into some ero talk again LOL~ I'm not sure what the talk was about but errrrr karog said on jenn's commenting about that Takki wants to wear skirts and stuff? Errrr... LOL... hen na ojisan! xD

Anyway, P-san also reported that Takki's hair looked a little bit more shorter? And more flaming ORANGE???? Then again we can never know when it comes to Takki's hair color... seriously, his hair is like... chameleon hair... one day it turns bright orange, another day it turns dirty blonde, another day it turns ash brown or something (is there such a color?) I'm sure tammy will be the first one to agree as she is always telling me that Takki's hair color always changes drastically from one photo to another!!! LOL

I'm not sure where they did this live? Is it same place as where the screening took place? This is an assembly hall and not a cinema??? Anyway, YES, it is confirmed... NO PROPS FOR KAMEN as jenn said in her previous entries! LOL xD So for all you concert-goers won't be adding another baka prop to the already big pile of PROPS you'll be carrying LUGGING to the concert! LOL!!!! Btw, it's just Takitsuba DANCING IN BLACK SUITS and some fan comments say that
Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa PV!!!!!! When is PV coming out!!!!!! PV! PV! PV! PV!!!!! xDDDDD Anyway I think Takitsuba also commented that this time they will just be wearing a very simple costume (yeah very simple but super CHOU-kakkoiiiii black suits) so that the focus will definitely be on the dancing! Dance dance dance yeahhh keep dancing Takitsuba

Everyone said they were both very cheerful and happy... and cheeky too when posing for the cameras... (I think this is for the reporters deshou? Were fans allowed to bring cameras? Muri desu yo ne... -_-) Hahaha... but anyway, when Takitsuba were asked to like, face towards the FC people, supposedly Takki posed a very cheeky pose, and also made a peace sign Fufufufu.... yappari, dork!

There were also some more talk about Takki's mother???? The subject came up during the talk and Takki said something like yooo... private home talk should cannot be discussed here! But then wait... am I reading this right? The talk kinda continued and Takki said his mom's name is Yayoi and that lately (because he's so into Yoshitsune-mode I suppose) he starts calling her by "Yayoi Gozen"? Hahahahahaa! Actually, I'm not sure also what "Gozen" means, I think it's just some sort of a honorific title for women at that time? Like some kind of an equivalent to "Lady" or "Countess" or "Duchess" in western royalty culture or something... I think... LOLLLL he calls his mom by her first name?!!!! LOL I suppose when he added the -gozen title it makes all the difference!!!!

Then in the end, both Takitsuba exited through the fans, who were standing in organized lines across one another, making way for Takitsuba to pass. They had apparently changed into their normal clothes. They waved a lot, and supposedly in the crowd there was a group of male fans, and Takki told them to come to the concert! Actually he was all like enthusiastic telling them "Definitely must come yo!" so the fan guessed that Takki probably was talking about the concert


Btw it just hasn't been a very good week for me. Online and offline it's just been super fucking crappy week that made me wanna go check myself into a psychiatrist already if it wasn't for several friends squishing and holding my hand... you know who you are and I love you all, thanks so much for being there! Reading this news is like a fresh air to a big cloud of smoke hovering over my brain..... thank god for Takitsuba!

Oh just a thought... and the pope is getting buried today... and because of the funeral, Prince Charles postponed his wedding to Camilla Parker-Bowles to tomorrow. I tell you, if Prince Charles was Chinese (LOL, then he won't be the Prince of Wales ne! Thud)... but anyway if Prince Charles was Chinese... he'd probably postpone his wedding until... oh I don't know... 8 months later? 8 months 8 weeks and 8 days later? 8 years 8 months 8 weeks 8 days 8 minutes 8 seconds later to wipe off all that bad aura/omen from being associated with one of the greatest man on earth's death? LOL... just a little baka thought! Don't mind me

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Sorry am a little late on this... anyway I think this was published on April 4, and
tako-chan brought this to my attention too in a-baka yesterday... so thanks tagogo

( Nikkansports 8th Dorama Grand Prix Q1 2005 Result )
Best Lead Actor: Takizawa Hideaki
Best Supporting Actor: Kamenashi Kazuya
Best Lead Actress: Takeuchi Yuko
Best Supporting Actress: Ishihara Satomi
Best Newcomer: sorry, i don't know who this is
Best Drama: Yoshitsune

I think this result is only for the doramas and actors who acted in doramas that aired on Japanese Television during January ~ March 2005. I'm just really glad a lot of people voted for Takki... which means his hardwork in Yoshitsune really didn't go to waste at all. And Yoshitsune was for best drama too~ Even though the ratings are dropping steadily... I guess it's all just too bland now with all the politics but despite that this part is beri-beri-bohring but it's quite a crucial part which starts the Genpei war yo... and I thought last week's episode was chouuuu kakkoiiiiii~ with the return of the Genji... like one by one they all gather together and it gives such a strong emphasis that Yoshitsune has GENJI BLOOD running in his veins!

Anyway yeah... a little late but omedetou to Takki! :) So proud of you!

I wonder if Tsubasa ever watches Yoshitsune? In Takki's TV Navi essay he kinda complained saying that Tsubasa never say to him something like, ne, I watched Yoshitsune! *LOL* Hahahahaha meaning Tsubasa never watched HAHAHA! xD not that i blame Tsuba

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OMG his last Takiren was on March 21! That was like... way before I came back from Singapore! Bwahhhh... I was actually backtracking to archive all Takirens into my website yesterday when I started realizing that even in late November he was still updating EVERY SINGLE DAY!!! Takki, we miss your daily updates! But I guess should be grateful that he updates AT ALL... considering his schedule and all... plus now he has a CONCERT to put together! LOL!

Thank you to ray-san and her friends at
Sentaki for the Takiren

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 159 - April 5, 2005
The concert preparation has gradually progressed zooo
This time we put in songs from Jr. years and also other songs into the menu♪
But anyway, there is not much time left (×o×) I don't know if will make it by the concert time or not but because we're all capable kids we can do it
Everyone you must remember the choreography yo
This time at the venue there will be Serenade sticks goods being sold so everyone will be dancing so uniformed it will be kanari beautiful da yo If you make your own I will be happy too but this time won't everyone use the same stick ...I thought (-.-;) 
Now I'm shooting Yoshitsune-san and wearing the armor da yo ne (×o×) It's he-heavy Next time I will attach a photo of the armor, so don't use the same stick (^^;)

aki, onegai shimasu~! LOL! Please add 1 Official Serenade Stick to my shopping list! *DIES* OMG do I need one? LOL... YES I DO! THUD! And anyway that kinda solves the problem too for those who are arts & craft impaired LOLLLL... they are providing the sticks for you! But I'm confused... does Takki want everyone to buy the official goods or not? It's his weird version of his whacked out reverse-psychology again... first he said he wants everyone to use the same stick despite that he'll be happy if you make a custom-made one yourself.... then he said if we don't use the same stick he'll attach the photo of the armor in his next Takiren?????

sato-chan my long-lost Takiren editor, help! Did I get it right?

Anyway... looks like this will be a very "different" concert! OMGGGG AND I CAN'T GO *bangs head on wall* I can't believe this... this is like my one chance to catch a concert where they flashback and sing more on their junior songs, and other other songs too for that matter... and I can't go! SOMEONE SMUGGLE DVCAMS!!!!!! FANDUBS ONEGAI SHIMASU!!!! (Oops... did I shout that too loud?) *sigh*... I can only wish for a DVD.... but wishful thinking... wishful thinking.......

I swear both Takitsuba are sooooo evil with keeping the whole Takki's 23rd birthday a SECRET!!!! He didn't even mention A SINGLE WORD about it at all!!!!!! I was so hoping he'd perhaps respond to Tsuba's evil Tobase comment in this Takiren but nooOooOooo.... I guess the secret will go to their grave! *LOL* Evil evil evil evilllllllllllll you're both sooooo evillllllllllllllll Takitsuba!!!!!!!!!! He better talk about it in magazine interviews soon! ROAR!!!! Hohoho... I suppose it must be "beri-beri-sugokatta" birthday "party" then!

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« the blog

takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

« newsflash

takki's solo concert
"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
12/23 osaka jou-hall
12/25 yokohama arena
13:30 & 17:30 (both days)

yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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mezamashi 04/15/05
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hey3 08/11/2004 part 1
DK q&a 07/11/2004
utaban 04/11/2004
MS 29/10/2004
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serenade cover shoot #1
serenade cover + lyrics

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shokura 08/21/2005
shounentai playzone 800
studio park 03/22/2005
shokura 02/20/2005
shokura 12/09/2004
shokura 05/02/2004
MS 04/23/2004
utaban 04/22/2004
gm 04/13/2004
gm 01/21/2004
gm 03/24/2004
hey3 02/09/2004
MS 01/30/2004
one day one dream pv
pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

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