Hello friends... U-san juuuust sent me the Takki CMs last night for sharing and I think they're in a very reasonable size but yet also in good quality for download~~~~ and ahhh you just gotta see the AMO CM it's the CUTEST thing everrrrr!!!!!!!

( New AMO Complete CM: Bedhead Takki )
Size: 5.3 MB
Format: WMV
Duration: 20 seconds

( New Olympus CM: Takki clones )
Size: 8.4 MB
Format: WMV
Duration: 30 seconds

All files uploaded to YouSendit by U-san, please take time to thank her ne~
If you already have the CMs, don't be kiasu, don't RE-DOWNLOAD just because you gotta have ALL VERSIONS POSSIBLE of the CMs. Let other people download!
And please help to re-upload when the links expire. Thanks so much!

My comment box is open for SCREECHING of the AMO Complete CM!!!!!!!! I swear its the damn cutest thing in the whole wide world!!!!!!!!!! And yes, Dithers, you saw right... he's supposed to be a salaryman there~ LOL... fiction fiction~!!!!!! There are no salarymans who would look like Takizawa Hideaki or Akanishi Jin!!!!! LOLLL... although I did see one that looked like a cross between Tsuyo and Takki at the JAL building in Jakarta. He really looked like a bit of Takki and a bit of Tsuyo... complete with the suit and all, and the colored hair too! Hahaaaa~ I think I stared really long at him that time LOL

I wonder now... will they also sneakily put in a Takitsuba concert in between Takki's schedules neeee... That reminds me... I'm guessing now Takki's con will probably start in mid-November... in which whereas Tsubasa's tour stretched for a period of 49 days, and if Takki's will be similar, which means it'll stretch out for AT LEAST 30 days thus my birthday would come within the range of Takki solo con!!!!! Oh glory be Takizawa Hideaki now I really know why God put every force in the world against me going to Go!Con!!!! Going to a Takki solo con on my birthday? What more could a Takki fangirl want? God bless you, Takizawa Hideaki!

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If you need Tsubacon dates you can quickly find them at jenn's NEWS section, as usual... looks like that's the hot topic today... that blue envelope that came in the Japanese fans' mailboxes... a lot of the Japanese blogs I visit also updated the schedules, but no Takki con dates yet it seems ne... BUT...

There's a TACKEY & TSUBASA CON deviously inserted amongst the Tsubacon schedules!!!!!!! Sneaky sneaky sneaky sneaaaaaaaaakyyyyyyy Takitsubaaaa!!!!

Tackey & Tsubasa Concert
October 22, 2005 - 2 shows
@Izumo Dome (出雲ドーム)
Shimane Prefecture (島根県)

In this Japanese fan's blog that I read, she said that as she was looking at the schedule (particularly at the T&T con schedule because she's more a Takki fan actually), her first thought was, "Where is Shimane?" LOL... my thoughts exactly too!!!!! I'm like... where's Shimane? Thud...

Anyway, went to search over at JR-Odekake.Net and it took me to a very zoomed in map of where the Izumoshi station is *LOL* But I'm like... dude... WHERE ON EARTH IS IZUMO????!!!! LOL... like I mean, where is it in relations to... the other places I know like Osaka, Tokyo, etc? At least I have an idea where Fukuoka is! And here it is (after zooming out like 10000x times):


Crap yo... that's so far! Seriously! It's like... TWO STEPS from Korea or something! (Fukuoka is ONE step away from Korea LOL) But it's like right above Hiroshima neee~~~~ and while this T&T con is on October 22, it continues into a Tsubacon the following day on October 23 (Hey! That's David's birthday! LOL) in HIROSHIMA! And if you see my map, you can see how close Shimane is to Hiroshima, so it makes sense to have it in... uh... Shimane. LOL.

*scratches head*

Need Takki con dates now... But why do I have a feeling it'll be mid to end November then? Well, not that it's a bad thing... it gives me even more time to save, and besides, early November is like, Hari Raya holidays here in Indonesia. Airfares will be a BITCHHHHHHH~ and my maids will be going home to their villages too. Jakarta will be deserted and my house will be maid-less. It's usually the time for me to actually go down and dirty to the kitchen and actually scrub dishes and hold a broom *LOL* And my mom just renovated our garden too and build an extended patio... a new gazebo... haiyah... which means, MORE AREA TO SWEEP!!!! !@#$%^ thud... but yeah... need Takki con dates... it'll be so nice if I could just make it to ALL THREE... TxT con, Tsubacon, and ALSO Takkicon... hmmmm wishful thinking kanaaa....

And btw... here's a little route guide for Tsuba fans... as aki said... DAMN, this little chipmunk Tsubasa is really hopping to every corner of Japan yo!!!! Don't fall off to the ocean ne Tsuba-chan... that Nagasaki is sooooo perched on the edge of the island! LOLLLL!!!!! Ah... anyway just follow the arrow and compare with the schedule! LOL... I'm too lazy to write in the cities XDDDDDDDD

Oh... funny excerpt from my conversation with takozawa today on MSN...

\ nere \ 愛してるぜ T&T says: takooo
\ nere \ 愛してるぜ T&T says: do u subscribe to GQ lol
tako// happy birthday jinjin says: noo
tako// happy birthday jinjin says: LOL
tako// happy birthday jinjin says: ><
tako// happy birthday jinjin says: i don't have christian bale
tako// happy birthday jinjin says: LOL
\ nere \ 愛してるぜ T&T says: thud ^^;

Whaa... I only asked about GQ??? Who says anything about Christian Bale???

*distracts everyone with chou kawaiiiiiiii bedhead Takki while I run off with Mr. Christian Bale* Iyaa~n is this really a 23-year-old young mannnnnn how can such a kawaiii person exist!!!! XD

Ahhh I think Takki should just forever don that bedhead look! Rawr....
*dumps Bale down the batcave*
*jumps Takki*
I can't make up my mind yo.... *whack self* XDDDDDDD

Methinks me will gif this later at home kekekekeeeee ahhh giffing... gift from God (through aki LOL)

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Ahhhhh now *THIS* is MY KIND OF WORLD!!!!!!! Many many many many many many many Takki clones...... got one for everyone desho???!!!! LOL!!!!! I wonder if it's a good thing or BAD thing if there's like 100 Takki clones for every one of us! LOL! Ahhhhh maybe not ne 'Coz he wouldn't be unique anymoreeeeee and there can be only ONE Takizawa Hideaki!!!!!!!!! Hohoho... but maybe Takki DOES need clones... you know... one for shooting Yoshi, one for recording, one for shooting his CMs, one for doing his daily laundry, so the real Takki can focus entirely only on concerts AND Tsubasa! LOLLLL!!!! XDDDDDDD Kakakkakaaa...

As you can see I'm just having fun with my newfound skill! ROFL..... Sorry if the size is too big... I'm kiasu... need to capture every frame! LOL XD (in which I was just scolded by my animation-major friend, Deni: "It's an ANIMATED GIF, not a MOVIE! Cut down!" ROFL!!!!!) This is the best I can do yo~~~~~

Btw, today is Akanishi Jin's birthday (July 4)... I wonder if he had a party neeee......

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Taking a Christian Bale break now and returns to Takki bubble! XD Ah otsukarechan deshita my slow internet downloading the "Unmei no KARUTE" guest part of last week's Zubari iu wa yo! <33333 Thank yoooou tsuba 2 CHUUUU~~~~ mwacks!!!

Ahhhhh ROFLLLLLLLL~~~~ ahhhhhh this Takki is just soooo cute in every single way!!!! THUD! Anyway... the guest's name was Shimazaki Toshirou, if I'm not wrong, and supposedly he's this comedian that has some sort of a signature "character" made up in his acts... something called "Adam-chan"? or something? LOL... Anyway, from the beginning though he might have started off the segment on the wrong foot by saying: "I don't mean this in any way but zenbu zenbu I've really never seen this TV program before!" *ROFL!* OMG! Takki was laughing but Hosoki-san was like "....." (no expression) ROFLLLL~~~~ she's so funny ne! She's very aloof sometimes I find it sooo funny! XDDDDDD And this guest was quite full of himself naaaa.... He doesn't even seem to know much or heard of Takki coz he was like:

Guest: Ah, Takki... your name is Takki right?

Takki: Hai, Takki desu~

Guest: When I saw you ne, I was reminded by myself when I was younger...

Hosoki: Ah please stop all this dasai talk, we have a VTR to continue with...

BWAHAHAHA! OMG Hosoki-san is sooooo BLUNT! XD LOL... but ahhh that part where Takki goes, "Hai, Takki desu~" is just soooooooooooo cuteeeeee LOL!!! Anyway, then they were just talking talking talking about the guest's career as a comedian, and for some reason I just feel Hosoki looks sooo totally uninterested LMAOO~~~ but then again she always has that blank look on her face anyways... but LOL... when they were talking about his old TV show or something Hosoki-san's response was, "I've never heard of it." LOLLL~~~~ ah revenge is schweet~~~ <3 Anyway, then he yak some more about himself and comes the part where he was gonna show them all his little getup comedic character... but seriously he was just like yakkety yak yak yak the whole time before about himself and then suddenly, Teppei snapped at Takki:

Teppei: Nandayo Takki!

Takki: Eeeh?

Teppei: What's with that look!? Please put on a face like you wanna see [the guest's act] yo! You don't wanna see? You wanna see?

Takki: Iya~ betsuni.... (meaning: "not particularly...")

Guest: WHAT?! (gets up and starts to chase Takki)

OMG that was most "spontaneous" reaction in away... LOL and he sort of looked SLEEPY too!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHHH!!! But OMGGGG so the guest went in to change into his act... and what comes out was like this GANGURO TARZAN THING DANCING AND SINGING ABOUT LOLOLOLOLOLOL~~~~ *dies laughing* and the funniest part was Hosoki-san:

OMG LOOK AT HER FACE!!!!!!!!! Her mouth really was hanging open THE WHOLE TIME!!!!! It was like an shocked-yet-unimpressed-mixed-with-appalled-and-aghast look or something on her face! (in which I really wouldn't blame her! DUDE JUST LOOK AT THAT... THAT... uh... THING!) LOL!!!! I'd have my mouth hanging open too if he was pulling that act in front of me!!!!

But then the camera pans towards Takki and what do we see?????

...with such a huuuuuge grin on his face too OMG CHOU KAWAIIIIIIIIIIII TO DEATH!!!! He's even stomping his feet to the rhythm OMGGGGG he's the cutest thing in the world *PINCH PINCH PINCH PINCH THOSE CHEEKS PINCHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* Iyaaaaaannn~~~~ and btw THANK YOU tsuba 2 for your precious GIF lessons!!!!! I YOU! Mwacksssss~~~~ ahhh... this clapping Takki totally just made my day... Ahhh Takki Takki you fill the gaps of my life in such ways that nothing else in the world (not even Christian Bale) can!!!!!! *duh!* LOL

*pinch Takki some more*

*pinch pinch pinch*

*can't stop pinching* XDDDDDDDD

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« the blog

takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

« newsflash

takki's solo concert
"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
12/23 osaka jou-hall
12/25 yokohama arena
13:30 & 17:30 (both days)

yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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olympus cm - 07/2005

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'05 CON photos

'05 CON 05/21/2005
'05 CON 04/30/2005
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mezamashi 04/15/05
kamen premiere secret live

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hey3 08/11/2004 part 2
hey3 08/11/2004 part 1
DK q&a 07/11/2004
utaban 04/11/2004
MS 29/10/2004
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serenade cover shoot #2
serenade cover shoot #1
serenade cover + lyrics

yoshitsune season
yoshitsune ep.32
yoshi & shizuka @ gunma
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yoshitsune shoot on nhk

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#2: poolside party
#3A: ticket chaos
#4: miscellaneous

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"okaa-san daijoubu da yo!"
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dream boy review #2

dream boy review #1
may 22 show
may 20 show
may 19 show

shokura 08/21/2005
shounentai playzone 800
studio park 03/22/2005
shokura 02/20/2005
shokura 12/09/2004
shokura 05/02/2004
MS 04/23/2004
utaban 04/22/2004
gm 04/13/2004
gm 01/21/2004
gm 03/24/2004
hey3 02/09/2004
MS 01/30/2004
one day one dream pv
pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

« thank you

front page host by kyuuki » weblog host by blogger » image host by photobucket, geocities, snapfish » photoediting by photoshop » layout by dreamweaver » inspiration by takizawa hideaki » i don't own him, unfortunately, but johnny's entertainment does » images scanned by me unless stated otherwise » do not post anything that is on this page elsewhere without my permission