What? That's it??? Takki sent a message to Tsubasa, Tsubasa replied... and that's it???? Oh wait, maybe coz Tsubasa just replied... so maybe Takki will say something in his NEXT Takiren deshou? xD xD xD Btw, what did Tsubasa say in his 283 to Takki???????? xD xD xD xD xD

Takizawa Rengou Vol. 85 - August 14, 2004
In the morning I woke up and my body hurts hurts unbearably (>_<)
Today was Yoshitsune day yo. I met the child actor (神木)-kun,
(not sure how to romajize his name... Jinboku-kun? Kamiki-kun? I think this is the kid who plays young Yoshitsune) So cute! o(^o^)o
Now I'm going out to eat with Yoshitsune staff.
Aa~ dokidoki suru.
Poor poor Takkiiiii~~~~~ first his butt hurts... and in the morning his entire body hurts!!!!!! OHHHH TAKKI NEED MASSSAGE?????!!!! HAREM GIRLS, MASTER TAKKI REQUIRES OUR SERVICE!!!!!!! xD xD xD xD Ah and speaking of Takki's butt, I think I might have made a slight translating mistake yesterday when I wrote that he said, "I feel like a monkey." which kinda makes you wonder what does hurting butt have to do with monkey??? He said "Saru mitai" so perhaps it's more like... LOOKING like a monkey? I kinda wondered too... monkey = hurting butt??? Hmmm..... ?___? but then...


It kinda occurred to me..... could he be saying that his butt hurts... and coz in his Takiren there's actually one character which means "skin"... so the skin of his butt hurts = therefore its RED = BABBOON BUTT = FEEL LIKE MONKEY????????


Anyway... I had a semi-good-semi-bad day today.... the good part was meeting with everyone for another Takki session... March, snuffles, carolyn, jamie, tanoshikatta~~~~~ as always!!!!! And do let me know if anyone finds an AUDITORIUM FOR RENT to watch DB DVD! *should we charge people for PRIVATE LIMITED SCREENING LOLLLL*... It's a GLOBAL TAKKI FAN DAY today... supposedly in HK, there's a fan gathering too and in Southern California... well... tomorrow (Saturday their time)... cynthia's getting there to have a Dream Boy partaaay~~~ FLOOD ME OVER THERE ALREADY! LOLLL!!! FLOOD US ALL OVER TO SoCaL!!!!!! xD

The bad parts.... *thud*... what else is new? My grandparents... I do not need to repeat the story to get myself worked out... want to shoot them already... and then shoot myself!!!! ARGH!!!!! How can two people ANNOY YOU TO DEATH? Well try living with them!!! ARGH!!!! It's like, every single conversation and every single minute my grandfather had to blow up his temper and make every single thing an extremely unpleasant and traumatic experience!!! I'm so angry at them today I'm not even gonna go to church with them tomorrow. I'm NOT going to church with such hypocritical people who seem to be so angelic on the outside but so terribly self-centered and loveless inside!!!! GEEEZZZZ~~~~~ how is it that I'm RELATED to such heartless people??!!!!!! x( x( x( x(

But more good news.....
You have no idea how happy I am!!!! My mom finally decided that we should go home first before she starts her radiation treatment or something.... so oh my goddddd... going hooooooooome~~~~ as much as I love Singapore... thinking about the fact that I have to endure longer days staying under the same roof as my grandparents... YADAAAAAA~~~~~~~~~~~ ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!!! And take me home to my DVD PLAYER THAT PLAYS REGION 2!!!!!!! coz this stupid comp here doesn't have a DVD ROM... and I dunno if the DVD player in this apartment's living room can play Region 2... I haven't tried it coz people are always in the living room... and gyah... there's just too many complications for me to try putting in the DVD after everyone had retired to bed.... I just hate the rules and regulations I'm imposed to in this SPACE... I need to get out, BACK TO MY PERSONAL SPACE PLEASE!!! SO YAYYYYY~~~~ I'M COMING HOME INDONESIA~~~~~~ (never thought I'd be so happy to go home) LOL... xD

But more bad happenings... after finding out I'll be going home to Indo... went to settle with my airticket extension to
Singapore Airlines and WHAT A SHOCK it is to find EXTREMELY BAD SERVICE in their Paragon Service Centre!!!!! THUD!!!! Really!!! I think it was just total BAD LUCK that I happened to get served by this oba-san who seems to be having an extremely BAD HAIR DAY and perhaps she needed to go to the restroom while serving me so she keeps rushing things and keep shushing me when I try to explain to her the situation???? SO . WANT . TO . SHOOT . HER ! ! ! x( x( x( Anyway, so my ticket ends up being overstaying for more than 1 month, while my mother's was within 1 month. Extension fee for over 1 month is 80USD, while for 1 month ticket is only 50USD.

At first I thought... hey ok... its 30 USD so what... let a mistake slip, until I recalculated 30 USD = 50 SGD!!!!!!!!!!! DUDE!!!!!!!!!!! THATS A LOT OF $$$$$$$$!!! COULD SHIP 3-4 MAGAZINES TO TAKO IN THE U.S. YO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! x( x( x( So I asked the bad-haired oba-san about why she charged my mom's ticket 80 USD? And from her reaction after she CAREFULLY READ my mom's e-ticket details was that she had made a mistake. But what did she reply me?

"Ah sorry lah I charged it already, cannot do anything about it."
Excuse me? Ever heard of "VOID" and then "RECHARGE"????? x( x( x( I dazed out for awhile (I'm a ditz sometimes) and I just took her reply and I stood up and walked away, until another *DING* hit me... and I'm like, hey WAIT A SECOND... I was unrightfully overcharged FIFTY FUCKING DOLLARS, for a mistake that wasn't MINE... and I have to swallow it just like that????? So I marched back to find that bad-haired oba-san was GONE... so I went to find a more senior officer! Explained the situation, and he seemed to be quite appalled by the whole thing and went to find that WOMAN who did the SQ SIN of BAD SERVICE!!!!! x( x( x(

And the whole time they were redoing the whole thing, she kept going "TSK..." and just was totally looking "annoyed"... uh hello? It's YOUR JOB? And when the senior officer went to get something at the back, she suddenly kinda "mentioned" fleetingly to me that if my mom's ticket only pays 50 USD extension fee, she'll be downgraded to M class which will be a "WAITING LIST"!!!! WHAT KIND OF A LAME EXCUSE IS THAT TO GET AWAY FROM CLEANING UP THE MESS SHE CREATED?!!! I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS!!! This is completely appalling, and from the airline I LEAST expected this to happen!!!! OF ALL AIRLINES!!! And she even said to her senior officer (right in front of my face) how "It's all so confusing lah, just look at the screen, the passenger made so many requests that the screen was so messy and just look lah, you'll be confused too."

WAT DA FUK #2 YO~~~~!!!!!



And because the passenger made MANY REQUESTS? Naaaaaaaaaaani yo I called in twice only asking about the SAME QUESTION coz they didn't get back to me the first time... about how much extension fee is for 1 month and how much is it for 1 year!!!!!!! THUD!!! THAT GOT HER CONFUSED? is her IQ like.... uh..... 50? xD xD xD

After a long process she finally refunded my credit card back 50 SGD... and in the end she apologized but added, "You should explain to me whats going on you know, you talk to different officers, we all don't know what's going on." I was sooo about to explode again at that comment since during the whole process, she actually told me to "HOLD ON" when I was explaining to her about the difference of validity dates between my ticket and my mother's coz we arrived at different dates! She actually said, "Hold on ok, I'm still doing YOUR ticket, and your mom's is at a different screen so you tell me later when I pulled up her screen." OK LAH... SO I HELD ON... and suddenly the next thing I know both tickets were charged 80 USD!!!!!!!!!!! BLAH........

Well, SQ will hear from me in a form of an official COMPLAINT LETTER. Of all airlines... SQ... AT THEIR HOME BASE SOME MORE! Surprise surprise... -_-'''

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Takizawa Rengou Vol. 84 - August 13, 2004
From yesterday I was doing horseback training at Yamanashi (・ω・)ノ
Because of 1 year worth of training packed in 2 days, my butt hurts! (*_*)
I feel like a monkey yo!
And for the time being... shooting will soon start so ganbaru yo!
Also, I will try to update as much as possible
I will not give up yo! (ΘoΘ;)

To Imai-san,
Concert will start very soon da ne, ganbare yo~
Who wants to help Takki rub his bonbons to make it better??????? *sees
tako-chan running at full speed dragging the LOTION LADY to rub Takki's bonbons!!!* LMAOOOO Buhahahahahahhh!!!!

Oh Takkiiii~~~~~~ even managed to slip a short message to Tsubasaaaa~~~~ mwaaa... with his hurting butt and all... LOLLLL... I LOVE THIS BOY!!!! Ah, finally!!!! The Takizawa <--> Imai exchange diary starts again!!!!!! It's about time!!!!! They better keep going!!!!!!!! *spanks and whacks both boys for being bad in not writing to one another to cater to Takitsuba fans' needs!!!!!!!!* *whack whack whack* *spank spank spank*

So he's definitely in YOSHITSUNE mode now.... since his 24-Hr TV special dorama 「父の海、僕の空」 had wrapped up shooting... in which btw... I was sent the two CMs for this dorama.... and MWAAAAAAAAAAA~~~~~~ *am crying because: I WANT TO SEE IT, and also because the plot looks very very very very SAD!!!!!* x( x( x( There was a scene of Takki carrying his father on his back and running across a bridge.... and that TORTURED LOOK ON HIS FACE x_X''' TAKKIII~~~~ DON'T DO THIS TO US~~~~ YOU KNOW WE CAN'T WATCH THAT FACE OF YOURS AND NOT *CRY*!!!! x( x( x( Mwaaaaaaa.... *cries blood tears* Seriously, Takki sad doramas are not GOOD for me because I just CANNOT see him cry or see him sad or see him upset or whatnot I would cry blood tears along with him... like when I was watching Taiyou wa shizumanai... oh dude... that one scene where Masaki Nao was crying holding his mom's shoe and apron.... I THINK I SURVIVED THAT SCENE LOOKING LIKE A GOLDFISH! xD xD xD xD

Oh and by the way, I actually grabbed an edition of TV PIA week 08/13-08/29 today with NAKAI MASAHIRO on the cover... and yoshyaaaa I was right!!!!
...er or was it two? *THUD* Ah I forgot... but long hair Takki... and the page portrayed him shooting the dorama at some hospital scene... MWAAAAAAAA this looks like a deep dorama indeed!!!!! x( x( x( x( MITAIIIIII~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh by the way... I didn't grab Weekly TV or TV Guide.. they look like they're gonna be ATHENS-INFESTED or something.... not interested..... but... anou... Takki ga imasuka??????????? o_O'''

OK... somehow, someway... I will see this dorama... just have to be patient... in the meantime, we can just rub Takki's sore bonbons....!!!! Ready??? ONE... TWO... THREE..... *RUB*!!!!!!

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Oh dear... my Dream Boy DVD arrived on FRIDAY THE 13th!!!! Is this a bad sign????? Oh whateverrrrrr!!!!! I haven't watched it yet! But oh my god it came exactly at the right right right perfectttttttt timeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
tako-chaaaaaaan THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU x100000000000 x infinity for ordering for me... for changing the address for me... for updating status for me..... mwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..... i was already totally ready to *SNAP* out of the whole MISERY that my grandparents had imposed on me all week long and especially since I had to go through quite a horrendous on what's supposed to be a very fun food tasting for my cousin's wedding at the Ritz-Carlton last night... except that they had to be there and ANNOY me to death!!!!!!!! x( x( x( x(

Endured sleepless nights thinking of my Dream Boy DVD too... was contemplating whether to let it ship to Jakarta or change shipment address to Singapore... in which both places were quite a big risk coz I don't know how long I'm gonna be here still... and don't know when DVD will arrive... in Jakarta, no one to receive and sign for it, or if it gets stuck somewhere and arrives in a form of a tiny NOTE at my house, no one is gonna bother to RETRIEVE it coz we're all here!!!! And if I send to Singapore, will the DVD make it in time to reach here before I go home????

Dude... why is it always like this when it comes to things concerning Takki? Always heart attack, pressure, cannot sleep, doki doki, heart explode.... ah but in the end... no matter how TAIHEN the things you go through....

IT'S ALL WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!

DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVD *hearts* DVDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *heartssssssssssssssss*

How long have we waited for this DVD???? When was it announced??? Wasn't it announced already back in DREAM BOY TOKYO!!!???? Dude... that is ONE LONG WAIT he made us go through!!!! I wish I could show the packaging... but don't have scanner with me... have camera, but can't transfer the photos into the PC... I REALLY NEED TO GET HOME TO MY CAN-DO-ALL PC!!!!!! *kicks this computer* x( x( x( x(

But seriously, I still have no idea what's the difference between the LIMITED EDITION and the REGULAR EDITION... The pictures in Potato 9 showed the regular bearing the full image of the white Dream Boy pamphlet... and the Limited had a circle around the picture... turns out that the limited edition packaging has an EXTRA OUTER SLEEVE that has that circled-hole where the inside full cover of what should be the regular edition image cover is visible...




Oh what am I doing!!! I should not be complaining!!! Buhahahahah... you don't understand how giddy I am... I haven't even watched it... I opened it with snuffles today at the fountain right at Takashimaya basement LOLLLL.... coz I was actually on my way out of the apartment when the delivery guy came, so basically I ran into him at the elevator (coz my unit has its own elevator so when he walked out I immediately knew he's delivering something for someone in our apartment) and when I found out it was for me... couldn't return back to the apartment coz my mom was already late for her doctor's appointment, dragged the delivery guy back into the elevator, I signed for the package IN THE ELEVATOR... yes, my mom was there, wondering what the BIG GRIN on my face was for... LMAO... who wouldn't grin the size of the Grand Canyon when you're expecting a holy package and you finally got it but you don't know its the right package yet but the entire package is covered with the words AMAZON.CO.JP MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAA (and thus you know 110% that it is the holy package you've been waiting for!) xD xD xD xD

Nyaaaaaa~~~~~ now let's see... can my grandfather's DVD player play REGION 2? Does this computer have a DVD-ROM????

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« the blog

takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

« newsflash

takki's solo concert
"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
12/23 osaka jou-hall
12/25 yokohama arena
13:30 & 17:30 (both days)

yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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mezamashi 04/15/05
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hey3 08/11/2004 part 1
DK q&a 07/11/2004
utaban 04/11/2004
MS 29/10/2004
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serenade cover shoot #1
serenade cover + lyrics

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#3A: ticket chaos
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"okaa-san daijoubu da yo!"
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may 22 show
may 20 show
may 19 show

shokura 08/21/2005
shounentai playzone 800
studio park 03/22/2005
shokura 02/20/2005
shokura 12/09/2004
shokura 05/02/2004
MS 04/23/2004
utaban 04/22/2004
gm 04/13/2004
gm 01/21/2004
gm 03/24/2004
hey3 02/09/2004
MS 01/30/2004
one day one dream pv
pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

« thank you

front page host by kyuuki » weblog host by blogger » image host by photobucket, geocities, snapfish » photoediting by photoshop » layout by dreamweaver » inspiration by takizawa hideaki » i don't own him, unfortunately, but johnny's entertainment does » images scanned by me unless stated otherwise » do not post anything that is on this page elsewhere without my permission