Just wanted to say thanks to
mama sley for sending me those back issues of WinkUp magazines... from like year 2001! Pilihan loe emang okeeee bangettt semuanya aduh beneran deh Takki-nya kawaiiiiii dan cakep2 bangetttt mwaks mwaks mama sley! And I agree with you, out of all, my favorites are also the ones from WinkUp January 2001... yang "makan hana" seperti kata loe itu! hahahahhaaaa I think he took these pictures himself by using that remote control he's holding, because the captions say: "PHOTO BY HIDEAKI TAKIZAWA" Among my favorites are these five..... tampangnya nakal banget!

Uhuhuhuhuhu..... berhubung ini majalah Januari 2001.... kalo dikira2x these pictures were taken about 2 months BEFORE that... so probably around NOVEMBER 2000! Omaigowk....... he's so little!!! Only EIGHTEEN years old! Just turned over the age where he juuuust became legal to view PORN over the internet, but still illegal to consume alcohol in the U.S.!!! Huahuahuahuaa... where was I in year 2000 yah??? Lagi masa kejayaan pesta pora di Boston kayaknya... dan tentunya amat sangat belum mengenal penyakit Takki-listis ini

beteweee....... gue baru pulang dari deeto indah dengan toro-chan dan juga nenek-chan yaitu pergi ke TA untuk makan di THAI EXPRESS yang akhirnya buka juga Ooooh I love the Thai Iced Tea... walaupun koq tidak seORANGE yang seharusnya... atau kayak yg di Tamani.... tapi tetep enak... makanannya juga mayan oke lah... walaupun sampe saat ini gue masih trying to figure out what exactly is it that toro ordered! Berhubung bu toro ini sedang dalam masa2x yang amat sangat memerlukan KEKUATAN IMANI yang cukup dahsyat dalam menolak benda2x yang disebut KARBOHIDRAT & GULA dan di hari pertama diet ajaib ketika dia membuka tromol ajaibnya gue sampe karena isinya adalah dedaunan mentah... oh... barbie-ku menjadi seekor kambiang sekali... But...
Sepertinya it's quite a good idea untuk nere ikut diet juga bersama toro coz as they all say, "MISERY LOVES COMPANY" dan juga sepertinya the three kilograms yang telah dengan sukses gue buang pada bulan Juli ketika gue menjalankan operasi buang dosa itu IS BACK with REINFORCEMENTS! And technically, berarti gue setengah kilo lebih GENDUT dari sebelum gue operasi buang dosa karena dosa yang gue buang itu beratnya setengah kilo sendiri... jadi kalo gue back to my original weight dimana pada saat itu gue mengandung "anak haram toro" itu... dan dimana skrg sebenarnya dosa itu sudah gone.... it means... gue SETENGAH KILO LEBIH GENDUT DARI DULU BUKAN??? Haiyaaaaaaa...... ok... operation TOLERATE TORO'S DIET PROGRAM starts on....... MONDAY!

And seperti yang toro-chan bilang di blognya.... *btw, that was fast hiatus!* hari ini rasanya udah wuliao sampe mau TUSUK-TUSUK DIRI Dunno why... bener2 gak mau kerja rasanya... udah mana pagi2 udah disambut dengan KASUS ANEH dari client terkutuk gue yang amat sangat tidak profesional sekali dan mental sampah.... dimana gue agak2 recommend ke dia untuk mundurin TV campaign-nya karena campaign bodoh ini akan jalan di 5 TV stations sedangkan materi kaset iklannya cuman ada.... SATU Yeb yeb... dasar gilingan.... lalu ternyata materi bodoh itu juga have NO CENSOR CARD... and it's foreign-produced material! Alalalaaaa... loe kira bikin izin sensor itu sehari??? Dan ngopi2x materi juga??? But then he INSISTS to keep the campaign on its original timeline and kinda hinted on me to "smoothen" things with the censor board by bribing them some cash or using some other commercial's censor card!!!!!!

NAN DA YO!!!!!
Keterlaluan deh tu orang...!!! And to be honest, I'm pretty much already very, VERY sick of working with these people who are completely unappreciative of the hard work I do for them. I understand that they are my clients, and clients are king. But really! I have other clients who treat me like friends, therefore, I do my job happily, and I would go an extra length just for them because they are nice! But these assholes... man... they really treat me like I'm their HIRED HELP! *well, technically I am, but STILL!!!*

Erk... enough already... I could go on and on and on about these asses and it won't make me feel any better until my boss finally listens to my plea and TAKES ME OFF THIS DAMNED ACCOUNT! Anyway, as I was saying... I was ready to jump off the building today because I was sooooooo bored....! And toro-chan feels the same way too... it feels like FOREVER for 6 PM to come! And not a single music we put on helps... in fact, it's the time of the month again when all our CDs just SUCK to the core!!! Even all my Arashi sounded really sucky over my boombox! Yes, my Hatachi too! And the To Be To Be Ten Made To Be single sounded pretty sucky too! So does the V6 Infinity and SMAP's MIJ! ARGH!!!! Even toro-chan said her ENERGY CDs sound like crap too... which pretty much means...
(Read: time to NGOCOR again over new CDs, merchandises and stuff)
Oh inikah yang dinamakan dengan KEBAHAGIAAN FANA where all these idol stuffs just brings you ultimate JOYGASM but somehow they never last!!!!! They keep you smiling and happy... but when you're deprived (during low season where absolutely NO NEW CDs ARE BEING RELEASED... you're just about ready to KILL YOURSELF just to get something new!!!! I guess YUME MONOGATARI came at the perfect time... Or maybe not really... since I already downloaded off the mp3 taken from the PV... and I've been playing them back and forth repeatedly every single day (tepatnya di setiap jam buka puasa untuk berYUME bersama toro-chan) Well, by the time I get my Yume CDs... jangan2x yang terjadi adalah:
1. Udah eneg sama Yume karena tuh mp3 udah diputer sampe filenya korup

2. Belom bleneg sama Yume Monogatari tapi akhirnya bleneg juga dalam waktu seminggu saja karena tuh CD bakal diputer sampe lecet2x dan ngerap (dan berhubung cuman ada EMPAT lagu dalam CD kecil itu... aiyoooo)

Hyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... so back to what I've mentioned before somewhere in blognya para groupies, let me introduce you to IDOL BOYBANDS... a new kind of addictive DRUG of the 21st century!!! And by the wayyyyy..... gue bener2x MABOK TAMAGO booooo nontonin clipnya Takki singing IT'S ONLY DREAM in November 9th Shokura... Again, that very very distracting ARMBAND is present! Is this like..... a NEW TAKKI STANDARD ACCESSORY?

Oh btw... I like the song too!!! Modelnya agak2 mirip2x Kaze no Uta-nya Tsubasa! Thank goodness deh the Takki solos are not stereotyped to those lagu yang mendayu2x seperti Negai and also Kaze... although gue cukup suka dengan Kaze tapi somehow gue belom bisa suka sama Negai... hummm... but anyway, this is quite different for a Takki solo song... dimana lagunya asik aja... kalo solonya Tsubasa loe pengen nyalain zippo and wave it around... this song just makes you wanna raise your hands and just wave it in the air deh.... "All right... all right..." And Takki described it pretty well in The Weekly Television... he said that:

"The song had a SPORTY feeling to it, and something that sounds something like 'LET'S GO!'"

Aduh... actually... I really like that shirt whatever thingy he's wearing!!! Keyennn.... uhuhuhu... and then his arms...... aiyoooo... mulus..... putih..... berlekuk2x......... kayaknya gue sambil nontonin di screen computer itu bentar2 secara refleks tangan gue nemplok ke screen pengen PENCET-PENCET itu tamago!!! Untung gak ada yg liat! HuahUHauhUHauhaa... EMANGNYA SI TORO......... dimana gue MEMERGOKI dia dari screen komputer gue.. dimana koq gue ngeliat ada bayangan melakukan gerakan2x aneh di belakang gueee... oh ternyata si toro-chan yang lagi wu liao... sore2x dia udah BERYUME RIA di belakang gue hauhuahauhuahuhaa Yeah, she's been practicing the YUME on her office desk!!! Tadi aja kita berYUME ampe headphonenya tiba2 ketarik dan kecabut saking napsunya si toro berpat2x hauhauhuahuaa Tapi salut boooo... toro-chan sekarang udah lancar sekali MEMBUAT TANDA SALIB!!! terutama di bagian lirik "Hoshi monogatari... tsuki monogatari... inori tsuzukete kita..." Ahahahahahahaa... apakah nanti akan ada session on YUME MONOGATARI FOOTWORK??? dimana kalo gerakan tubuh bagian atas kayaknya kita udah LANCAR selancar2nya deh toro-chan... tapi kalo gerakan kaki... aiyooooo... susah booo... hauhauhuehuehaa... kayaknya kalo kita audition untuk ikut shooting PV Yume tuh kita lolos dengan gilang gemilang deh hauhauheuhuehuhaa Oh oh... does this mean nere is Takki and toro is..... TSUBASA?

Yikesss... udah jam 12 lagi...... cukup lemes nih gue karena walaupun makanan di THAI EXPRESS itu cukup enak... tapi sepertinya bahannya kurang segar karena gue instant sakit perut melilit pas pulang... dan tentunya langsung KELUAR lagi dengan lancarnya apa yg baru gue makan... hum... apakah laksa Thailand itu pake santen basi??? Huheuehuahuahuaa Dan kayaknya si Barbie udah jadi baa-bi beneran berhubung hari ini she's not feeling that well... Stacie udah mulai start sneezing juga on the table of Thai Express just now... so maybe it's a good idea to sleep earlier today since last night I couldn't stop watching WATERBOYS (finally I popped in that VCD which had been hanging around my room for almost........ a year???) Didn't intend to finish the whole movie but man... I COULDN'T STOP coz it was sooo damn funny!!!

Anyway, wishing nenek-chan a very PROSPEROUS trip to Xin Jia Bo...... in which nere & toro will also ngocor bersamamu IN SPIRIT sama seperti ketika elo ngocor in spirit bersama nere & toro pas bulan Juli kemaren... I have a feeling I'll be stone broke when nenek comes home... especially setelah tadi nenek ngecopy-paste pengumuman SALE @ MISE*SCLUSIVE eh btw... just FYI... mungkin nenek mau mencari photobook KATTUN IN NEW YORK since elo adalah salah satu KATTUN MONSTER mwahahahaaa.... well anyway.... have a safe trip yah... and ditunggu live reportnya di gang menuju mise! hehehehe...

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takki thoughts v27.0 congratulates tackey & tsubasa for their 3rd year anniversary (09/11/05) ずっと一緒にガンファンミーの愛世界を作って続けるんだ~^^ please use the comment box for squeeing, screeching, and fainting over takki is most definitely very permitted. flaming, sarcasm, idiocy, and smart-ass bitches will not be tolerated >.< top image © johnny's entertainment. takki go-con clearfile scanned by me. tsuba go-con clearfile scanned by aki

« newsflash

takki's solo concert
"sayonara 2005 arigatou"
12/23 osaka jou-hall
12/25 yokohama arena
13:30 & 17:30 (both days)

yoshitsune ep. 38 TVR = 16.3%

tsubasa will write lyrics to takki's new song that will be performed at the solo concert

takki shoots satomi hakkenden in mongolia (07/21~07/25/2005)

takki cast as lead role of inuzuka shino in satomi hakkenden (OA: est. 01/2006 on TBS)

tackey & tsubasa izumo concert at izumo dome in shimane (10/22/2005 - 13:00 / 17:00)

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'05 CON 05/21/2005
'05 CON 04/30/2005
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mezamashi 04/15/05
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hey3 08/11/2004 part 2
hey3 08/11/2004 part 1
DK q&a 07/11/2004
utaban 04/11/2004
MS 29/10/2004
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serenade cover shoot #2
serenade cover shoot #1
serenade cover + lyrics

yoshitsune season
yoshitsune ep.32
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#2: poolside party
#3A: ticket chaos
#4: miscellaneous

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"okaa-san daijoubu da yo!"
senshuuraku photos
dream boy review #2

dream boy review #1
may 22 show
may 20 show
may 19 show

shokura 08/21/2005
shounentai playzone 800
studio park 03/22/2005
shokura 02/20/2005
shokura 12/09/2004
shokura 05/02/2004
MS 04/23/2004
utaban 04/22/2004
gm 04/13/2004
gm 01/21/2004
gm 03/24/2004
hey3 02/09/2004
MS 01/30/2004
one day one dream pv
pop jam 01/24/2004

« the fangirl

fangirl nefretiri obsesses about takizawa hideaki & christian bale like there's no tomorrow. resides in indonesia and currently works in her father's company as "the boss' daughter" by day =.= but remains the obsessive fangirl that she is by night (or lunchtime) fan of takizawa hideaki since 2003, fan of christian bale since batman begins (although he had been noticed since little women ^^ and more so even in american psycho). if you're a nice, intelligent person who wanna squee about takki or christian, email me here or here. otherwise, (read: stupid biatches) please leave me in peace. yes, i'm rich and i can have any takki-related item i want, and if you can't deal with it, i suggest you take it up with God instead. i have enough fandom-bitch-inflicted pain in my life already.

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front page host by kyuuki » weblog host by blogger » image host by photobucket, geocities, snapfish » photoediting by photoshop » layout by dreamweaver » inspiration by takizawa hideaki » i don't own him, unfortunately, but johnny's entertainment does » images scanned by me unless stated otherwise » do not post anything that is on this page elsewhere without my permission