Ahhh..... 本当に嬉しかったよ!幸せ~! So so so so soooo happyyyy!!!!! Gyayayayayaaa.... such a long wait to finally get T&T's new single!!! And at long last my patience paid off..... and I would like to express my millions of thanks to
the alliance of ibu2x groupies, without whom, getting this single would not be possible! (Koq jadi kayak thank you speech Academy Awards ya? eheks....) And of course to
My Idol Shop who had surprisingly managed to bring in Yume Monogatari
ONLY 9 DAYS after its release date. I believe that they are the first and probably the only store in Jakarta who has Yume Monogatari. You don't find a lot of stores importing Japanese versions!!! So all of you Indonesian T&T Fans who wants
Yume Monogatari, or maybe just want to gamble your luck again by buying extra Yume copies, hurry up and get your butt to
My Idol Shop at Gajah Mada Plaza, because as of today at 12:00 noon, they still have
5 (FIVE) COPIES of Yume Monogatari left...!!!
So here's my
Yume Monogatari story... huahahaha
Abis selesai Nihongo lesson, gue langsung buru2 lari pulang, mandi, ganti baju dan segera teriak ke supir gue untuk
KEBUUUUT ke GMP karena udah kebelet mo jemput anak nihhh
Sepanjang jalan tuh susah banget booo mo sms-in balik
bu gale yang nge-sms nanya kapankah gue pergi jemput anak tercinta gue... dunno what's going on with all
cellphone providers today man..... i'm guessing
SATELINDO IKUTAN MUDIK LEBARAN bo, because i swear, I can't connect to other Satelindo numbers, all my messages were like pending!
So I thought, ya sudahlah... so I skipped down the hallways of GMP and straight to My Idol Shop at the end of the hallway!!!
La-dee-da.... doki doki juga... gitu masuk ke sono hmmm bilang apa yah...?
Hmmm... perhaps not such a good idea...
"Halo.... saya nere..."
Hmmm.... pede bener... emangnya dia tau nere siapa? Kalo "nere" aja gak tau, nama gue lebih gak jelas lagi kali statusnya........... argh!!! Daripada bingung2 mo ngomong apa... masuk aja lahhh toeng nere......... *dorong pintu*
"Halo... saya temennya tresia yang mesen singlenya Tackey & Tsubasa....."
Lalu apa yang terjadi? Gue disambut oleh pandangan *bengong*nya Kuuga, dan dengan santainya dia jawab:
"Wah..... belom bisa diambil nih bu, belom selesai nih harganya!"
Aduh rasanya jantung mo copot denger begitu tapi tentunya... okay nere tenang... tenang....
Get a hold of yourself! Don't panic... deep breath.... No matter what you
MUST get your Yume today no matter WHAT IT TAKES! Jadi dengan manisnya gue mengambil tempat duduk di depan kasirnya itu lalu senyum manis
muka topeng nere despite dalem ati udah siap jerit2x something like
"GIVE ME MY YUME NOWWW!!!" dengan menodongkan sebuah pisau ke leher bapak kuuga tapi of course itu hanya di dalam twisted coo-coo-ness of nere's mind... dan dengan
amat sangat tenang saya bertanya kembali
"Oh begitu ya??? Tapi hari ini kan? Gue tungguin deh.... berapa jam lagi?"
Eeeh si kuuga cuman ketawa aja dan bilang:
"Hehe nggak deh......" and then he turned around to his assistant and said,
"Ambilin tuh Tackey & Tsubasa-nya!" ohhh toeng toeng sekaliiiiiiiiiiiiiiii kuugaaaa
And so then he brought the two Yume copies for me (one is for
toro-chan btw... who had sooo generously donated her card for the needy = me! Arigatoooo
toro-chan mwaks mwaks mwaks mwaks
olapyuuuuuu mwaks mwaks) And so I paid for my copies and left the store and tried to call
gale again.... dan ternyataaaa....
bu gale hanya berada di satu pengkolan away from me! Jadilah kita ketemuan di gang, dan ternyata ada
vicky & juju juga.... and alhasil..... gue balekkk lagi dehhhh ke My Idol!!! HuahUhauHUahUHauhUhaa
Atas anjuran ibu2x semua..... I opened my Yume copies on the spot dengan
TANGAN GEMETAR (bisa dikonfirmasikan oleh ibu gale yang berkomentar that my hands were literally shaking!) eheks... I'm so coo-coo today!!!
Setelah tangan sakti psychic
vicky menggrepe2x kedua Yume gue dan menyatakan bahwa isinya adalah
TAKKI gue membuka yang pertama.........
deg DEG DEG DEG DEG....*
*pulled out the booklet carefully*
*opened the pages*
*saw the card
神様! お願いします! タッキーのカード!
Please please please please God give me a
And so I flipped the card around...........................
vicky you are a true
PSYCHIC!!!! wahahahaha....!!! It's true you know, because
juju picked out a CD that
vicky didn't pick out... and pas dibuka isinya kartu
TSUBASA!!! hauhuahuaha not that it's bad in general, but bad for
juju or
me because what we really want is a Takki card!!! Anyway... I opened the second copy (
toro's copy) but it turned out to have the exact same Takki card I got already
) And then
juju exchanged her copy for a new one because the case was broken and stuff, and this time she did get a Takki card, but it was again, exactly the same as the previous two I already opened.... so I guess the
SAME STORE = SAME BATCH OF CARDS theory does apply except for that
ONE RANDOM TSUBASA CARD there.... so what did I do? I exchanged my duplicate Takki card for that already opened Tsubasa card!
And here they are:
So there they are, one Takki card, and one Tsubasa card!!! (thanks to
toro-chan's instant-by-phone intercity-mountain advice to exchange the duplicate Takki card with the Tsubasa card) walaupun gue diketawain sama seluruh gerombolan ibu groupies disitu karena gue tiba2 minta tuker ke Tsubasa card, which is so highly uncanny... they're like,
But first priority is reserved for
mic since she had already tagged me for it! So,
mic please do tell me if this is one of the ones you're still looking for! Okies? Will be glad to trade you!
Or, if you already have it but still willing to trade me for a Takki card...... I'll gladly accept too!
Hmmm... btw, is there really a
GIANT T&T PUZZLE that the 9 cards are supposed to make up when adjoined together???? I'm just wondering.... 'coz the back of the cards are like blank! But I did recall reading someone in
carrie's BBS who said that she got the exact same Takki card as mine, but behind the card was the puzzle piece that was
TAKKI'S NECK??? All of the cards I got are blank at the back! So is
juju's... and I sms-ed my friend who bought her copy and also my extra copy in
HMV SINGAPORE and she sms-ed me back saying that hers was a
BLANK too!!!!!!!!
I'm utterly confused...... is there or is there not a T&T puzzle???? Or did we all just uncannily get
It's so much fun to finally get the CD!!! Now I can listen to 「風の詩」
KAZE NO UTA and also
IT'S ONLY DREAM in its full length version and without the live audience making their screaming commotion in the background!!!
I totally love these two songs but I think I like Tsubasa's song more... because of the song itself, and his voice was great! Takki's song is great too, I love the melody and stuff, but Takki's voice seemed a little bit.....
"narik" gitu?
Maybe it's just him... suaranya dia kan agak nyaring dan gak berat... jadi agak terlalu narik and garing gitu kedengerannya.......... ah but either way I love them both!!!
And the
TWO DIFFERENT YUME MONOGATARI PARTS I love it both too! I've spent all afternoon playing this CD and singing along Tsubasa's lower part of the Yume Monogatari when Takki's part is playing, and then singing along with Takki's Yume Monogatari part in Tsubasa's part!!!!
It's really fun!!! Gue doyan karaoke dan paduan suara sih dari dulu jadi partnya Tsubasa yg suara dua itu bisa gue nyanyiin juga... and it's fun!!! Ahahahahahaaaa this is a really fun CD...!!! It's such a great idea for them to put both parts separately so we can sing along accordingly!!! Hahahaha! Man, I just love this CD!!!
One thing though, ini kayaknya salahnya
YesAsia deh.... because they put the description as
LIMITED EDITION BONUS TRADING CARD/STICKER & BOOKLET So to be honest, I was expecting a whole separate booklet aside the CD cover leaflets....... tapi ternyata... there is no other booklet!!! Apanya yang
BONUS BOOKLET bo.... itu kan udah standard harus ada di semua CD! Ehekssssss!!!!! Lagi2x false advertising!!! Yang kayak gini2 nih yg bikin fans kecewa karena gembar gembor deskripsinya terlalu besar.....
Mendingan gak usah disebutin kan???? But anyway, I love the so-called booklet deh... aduh gambarnya lucu2x dan bagussss banget... I'll put up a new gallery or something to display the booklet pictures and all when I have time...
OK then.... that's my story on
"GETTING YUME MONOGATARI" hauhauhuhaa..... do tag me if anyone is interested in trading in for my Tsubasa card, okay?
Now.... to wait for
nenek to come home with my other copy of Yume Monogatari.... and the
NORMAL EDITION! Kyakyakyaaaa... I soooo need to hear 「ひと夏の...」
HITO NATSU NO... Okay, off to sing along with T&T again........
君が愛の花 僕が恋の花 瞬間をとらえて揺れて
月物語 星物語 祈り続けてきた...